facebookarchive / C3D

C3D is a modified version of BVLC caffe to support 3D ConvNets.
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Can we train C3D directly on videos? #414

Closed czgdp1807 closed 6 years ago

czgdp1807 commented 6 years ago

For training C3D I have made a file, train.lst which have lines similar to the one given below,

/home/username/Dataset/train/v0.avi 0 0

However, the lines given in the example file, train_01.lst are similar to,

/data/username/v_ApplyEyeMakeUp/ 0 0

Is there any issue with directly using .avi files for training, or first I have to convert it to frames and then train on that frames?

dutran commented 6 years ago

there is one option for you to use videos as input, https://github.com/facebook/C3D/blob/master/C3D-v1.1/examples/c3d_ucf101_finetuning/train_resnet18_r2.prototxt#L22