facebookarchive / FBMemoryProfiler

iOS tool that helps with profiling iOS Memory usage.
3.41k stars 377 forks source link

Find lots of cycle about runtime above iOS10 #37

Closed liuzhiyi1992 closed 7 years ago

liuzhiyi1992 commented 7 years ago

{( ( "-> NWConcrete_nw_resolver ", "-> update_block -> NSMallocBlock " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> viability_changed_handler -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> connected_child -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> parent_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> mode_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_resolver " ), ( "-> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> mode_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_resolver ", "-> resolver -> NWConcrete_nw_resolver ", "-> update_block -> NSMallocBlock " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> parent_endpoint_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> tls_prepare_block -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> parent_endpoint_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> tls_message_block -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> connected_endpoint_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> parent_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> tls_message_block -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> parent_endpoint_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> mode_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_resolver ", "-> connected_child -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> tls_prepare_block -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> connected_endpoint_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> parent_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> tls_prepare_block -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> path_changed_handler -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> client_handler -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> read_close_handler -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> connected_endpoint_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> tls_prepare_block -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> write_close_handler -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> better_path_available_handler -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> parent_endpoint_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> mode_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_resolver ", "-> connected_child -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> tls_message_block -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ), ( "-> tc_nwconn -> NWConcrete_nw_connection ", "-> connected_endpoint_handler -> NWConcrete_nw_endpoint_handler ", "-> tls_message_block -> NSMallocBlock ", "-> NWConcrete_tcp_connection " ) )}

liuzhiyi1992 commented 7 years ago

All I need filter them with FBFilterBlockWithObjectIvarRelation? : (

Gricha commented 7 years ago

Hey. Yeah, that's pretty much it. We're happy to bring them into the standard filters if you'd like doing PR on that? Feel free to reopen if you have any questions or follow up :)