facebookarchive / Facebook-For-OpenCart

Facebook Ads integration with OpenCart
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Failure - facebook feed not created, access product module #78

Open ihos1 opened 5 years ago

ihos1 commented 5 years ago

Installed version 2.1.2. But knocks out the error http://prntscr.com/ltzj1f. Looked at logs, seemingly enough time for request processing. Now in the store about 17,000 products. In the future there will be about 20,000 products. Facebook ads extension 2.1.2 was installed on a site with a quantity of 200 products, everything is super, and does not work with a large amount. We can use Facebook ads Extension 2.1.2 or for such a quantity of goods need to look for another solution? Download the log file https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YsJUR_QsNxqf2k6KZrJkt43_kOWPOxAI.   Sorry for the English I'm from Ukraine.

shue249 commented 5 years ago

@ihos1 Thanks for feedback!

Supporting large number of products has to do with the capability of the server where your MySQL database is hosted. In our plugin, we attempt to retrieve all the eligible products from the database to generate a one-time feed file to upload to Facebook. If the server is not able to support the query, the connection will fail, resulting in the problem which you are seeing.

Can I suggest for you to take a look at this thread - https://github.com/facebookincubator/Facebook-For-OpenCart/issues/72

  1. Are you currently selling all 17K products? Is there any option for you to disable the products which are no longer being sold?

  2. When we retrieve the products for the initial sync, we split up into chunks of 100 products each. You can try to increase the number to 1000 and see if it helps to solve your problem.

hoangit81 commented 5 years ago

Hello, I also suffer from this problem when changing personal page passwords. Do not know facebook is there any way to change the password is not affected? Thank you!

ihos1 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the answer. With 17K, we have now published about 13K products. I tried to change http://prntscr.com/luxv71 from 100 to 1000. No result. Our usual hosting is not a server, it is clear that there are restrictions. Probably this module on hosting does not work. Many see problems like mine.

shue249 commented 5 years ago

@ihos1 Thanks for the feedback. We may need to look into this more to see if we can provide a solution for servers on hosting