facebookarchive / Keyframes

A library for converting Adobe AE shape based animations to a data format and playing it back on Android and iOS devices.
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Nothing being rendered? #107

Open JoeAllison opened 7 years ago

JoeAllison commented 7 years ago

Hey again, for some reason I'm still having an issue where nothing is being rendered. I export the composition, but nothing is playing. I've tried everything. I'm using extremely simple test compositions. I've attached one of my files. Is this a common problem, and do you know what the issue could be? I've tried re-installing after effects, and clearing all the settings etc also. I can play and export the demo files with no issues. Dying to get this working, I'd really appreciate some help :) test7.zip

reddigfabian commented 7 years ago

I'd also love to have some feedback on this. Seeing the same behavior and it's not really possible to debug. So far we've only been able to get the provided samples working, but nothing else.

amcneal-wt commented 7 years ago

Same issue here. What version of AE are you using? I'm using the 2015.3 Release (Version

renyu-io commented 7 years ago

@JoeAllison I couldn't open your AE project, but took a look on your JSON file it seems you don't have the fill_color or stroke or anything, so I guess that's why things are not showing.

Could you post a screenshot of the layer in AE?

renyu-io commented 7 years ago

@reddigfabian @amcneal-wt It would be helpful if you guys provided the JSON too

JoeAllison commented 7 years ago

I have a very basic bezier path converted square moving from the top left to the bottom right over a few seconds. The sample project and exported JSON is attached in the zip too. I'm using after effects 2017, but I had the same problem with AE 2015 and i upgraded to see if that would help. Still nothing showing up when I try to play it :(



reddigfabian commented 7 years ago

Here's a simple project I've used to test. It's just a rectangle with keyframes on y position. It exports fine, but nothing renders.


tiensi commented 7 years ago

Did you guys set the layout_width and height for your image view? Wrap_content won't show anything

renyu-io commented 7 years ago

@JoeAllison oh very interesting! I ran into the same issue, try change the fill color to anything other than ff0000. It seems adobe is omitting their default color in their representation.

renyu-io commented 7 years ago

@reddigfabian I don't have AE2017. But took a look at the JSON, I guess you are using the rectangle directly? Unfortunately we don't support rectangle/ellipses for now, but you can convert them into bezier curves like this.

screenshot 2017-01-24 10 11 36

Right click on the rectangle path.

reddigfabian commented 7 years ago

Tried all the above suggestions:

Same result unfortunately.

Looking at the .json it seems my "animation_groups" is completely empty. This seems like one of the major differences between my file and the sample supplied which works. Any input on that?

Edit: Also noticed that fill color isn't even being brought into the json.

renyu-io commented 7 years ago

@reddigfabian animation_groups is expected to be empty in this case. Could you provide your latest JSON and a screenshot of the layer? Thanks

reddigfabian commented 7 years ago

KeyframesTest (1) 2.zip

Added a screenshot to the .zip.

renyu-io commented 7 years ago

@reddigfabian just curious, you mentioned you changed the color to something other than red already right?

reddigfabian commented 7 years ago

I did. The color never even makes it into the .json though.

reddigfabian commented 7 years ago

@JoeAllison I just did a whole lot more fiddling, breaking down the sample file into the bare minimum that I could get to work and then making very small changes to see which ones work and which don't. I pulled your test file again and it looks like, since you're using polystar and rectangle, the animation won't work. These shapes aren't supported. You essentially have to draw your own path, even if all you want is a rectangle. You are correctly applying your transformations to the layer rather than the shapes so you're definitely on the right path.

JoeAllison commented 7 years ago

I changed the fill colours to be other than the default red setting for the shapes and it appears to be working now which is good. Thanks for the help guys.

@tiensi How do you change the layout_width and height for the image view?


reddigfabian commented 7 years ago

That's super interesting that Joe's file works even though the guidelines note that rectangles and polystars shouldn't be supported.