facebookarchive / RakNet

RakNet is a cross platform, open source, C++ networking engine for game programmers.
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Fixed buffer overrun in PacketizedTCP::SendList() (CVSS score: n/a) #138

Open Luke1410 opened 4 years ago

Luke1410 commented 4 years ago

This is a backport of a security relevant fix for RakNet. The issue has already been fixed in SLikeNet 0.1.3 (see https://www.slikenet.com/). We provide this backport for people who prefer to stick with the RakNet project and also in order to easier share this fix with other RakNet forks.

A CVSS score cannot be calculated for this one, as no direct usage of PacketizedTCP::SendList() is flawed in RakNet. The issue is therefore only triggered if 3rd-party programs using RakNet make use of the method and pass in more than 512 parameters. This is a use case which is expected to be far off from reality, so the real world security implications are likely to be non-existant.