facebookarchive / facebook-for-magento

A first-party extension plugin built for Magento. This plugin will install a pixel on your site, upload your products into a catalog for use in FB ads, and (optionally) auto-create an FB shop with your products.
84 stars 57 forks source link

Blank Screen when loading extension - Solution : Try Debug Mode v2.6.0 #21

Open vaguemind opened 6 years ago

vaguemind commented 6 years ago

I face a problem after installing the extension , it cant open in the admin panel , please see attached screenshot screenshot-fekman com-2017-11-01-08-34-18

dmitridr commented 6 years ago


I've seen this problem before, the causes can be anything but usually it's some error with fetching basic data from the backend that causes this. Usually due to a custom or unique configuration.

Could you try right clicking and selecting 'View Source' then looking for the section that says

window.facebookAdsExtensionConfig = {

Then paste that here or send that to us via email at ads_extension_magento@fb.com. Usually it's that section that has the problem if you send that to us there's a good chance we can identify the issue.

Here are, additionally things that you can try that have helped others with this issue in the past:

Maybe one of those will help.

nicdima commented 6 years ago

Hi there, I have the same problem with vaguemind. I tried all your suggestions of the above post but none of them helped. I also tested all the versions from 2.3.0 to 2.3.4 and the problem is the same. I use magento 1.7 Any suggestions? Thank you

dmitridr commented 6 years ago

@nicdima Could you try sending us the source of the page?

Or if you are comfortable, you could email us temporary credentials to your Magento store and we could look at the problem ourselves to try and figure it out.

One more store I remember had this problem, it was caused by the currency conversion rate being blank. So that's another thing to check.

nicdima commented 6 years ago

@dmitridr I have sent you an email with the source code. Hope it helps

dmitridr commented 6 years ago

@nicdima Sorry, could you please re-send the email? We were having trouble with our email alias, which has now been fixed.

okniazik commented 6 years ago

Hi there,

We have the same problem as described here: https://github.com/ facebookincubator/facebook-for-magento/issues/21

The code from


window.facebookAdsExtensionConfig = { hasGzipSupport: true ,popupOrigin: 'https://www.facebook.com/ads/dia' ,feedWasDisabled: '' ,feedWritePermissionError: '' ,platform: 'Magento' ,pixel: { pixelId: '1434101886910459' ,advanced_matching_supported: true } ,pixel_install_time: '' ,store: { baseUrl: 'https://homezone.com.ua/' ,baseCurrency: 'USD' ,timezoneId: 137 ,storeName: 'Home Zone' ,version: '' ,plugin_version: '2.3.4' ,debug_key: '6b182008cf9fe80ae82bb1a67ad3127f6e172eec' ,modules: 'Mage_Core, active,; Mage_Eav, active,; Mage_Page, active,; Mage_Install, active, 0.7.0; Mage_Admin, active,; Mage_Rule, active,; Mage_Adminhtml, active, 0.7.1; Mage_AdminNotification, active,; Mage_Cron, active,; Mage_Directory, active,; Mage_Dataflow, active,; Mage_Index, active,; Mage_Uploader, active, 0.1.0; Mage_Customer, active,; Mage_Cms, active,; Mage_Catalog, active,; Mage_CatalogRule, active,; Mage_CatalogIndex, active,; Mage_CatalogSearch, active,; Mage_Payment, active,; Mage_Sales, active,; Mage_CatalogInventory, active,; Mage_Shipping, active,; Mage_SalesRule, active,; Mage_Usa, active,; Mage_Paygate, active,; Mage_Backup, active,; Mage_Checkout, active,; Mage_Paypal, active,; Mage_GoogleCheckout, active,; Mage_Log, active,; Mage_Poll, active,; Mage_Review, active,; Mage_Rating, active,; Mage_Tag, active,; Mage_Reports, active,; Mage_GoogleAnalytics, active,; Mage_Widget, active,; Mage_Tax, active,; Mage_Wishlist, active,; Mage_Media, active,; Mage_PaypalUk, active,; Mage_Contacts, active,; Mage_GiftMessage, active,; Mage_Sendfriend, active,; Mage_Sitemap, active,; Mage_Rss, active,; Mage_ProductAlert, active,; Mage_Api, active,; Mage_Oauth, active,; Mage_Authorizenet, active,; Mage_Bundle, active,; Mage_Captcha, active,; Mage_Centinel, active,; Mage_Compiler, active,; Mage_ConfigurableSwatches, active, 1.3.1; Mage_Connect, active,; Mage_Newsletter, active,; Mage_Downloadable, active,; Mage_ImportExport, active,; Mage_Api2, active,; Mage_PageCache, active,; Mage_Persistent, active,; Mage_Weee, active,; Mage_CurrencySymbol, active,; Mage_XmlConnect, disabled, ; AW_Advancednewsletter, active, 2.4.7; AW_Advancedreports, active, 2.7.1; AW_Ajaxcartpro, disabled, ; AW_Ajaxlogin, disabled, ; AW_All, active, 2.3.5; AW_Core, active, 1.0.3; AW_Giftcard, active, 1.0.9; AW_Marketsuite, active, 2.1.1; AW_Ppp, disabled, ; Alinga_Recentordernotification, active, 1.0.0; Amasty_Acart, active, 1.15.3; Amasty_Audit, active, 1.6.7; Amasty_Base, active, 2.1.12; Amasty_Catcopy, active, 1.1.1; Amasty_Conf, active, 3.16.1; Amasty_Customerimg, disabled, ; Amasty_DisableCustomers, active, 1.0.2; Amasty_Fpc, active, 1.8.0; Amasty_Fpccrawler, active, 1.1.5; Amasty_Geoip, active, 1.1.2; Amasty_Label, active, 4.0.12; Amasty_Loyalty, active, ; Amasty_Mergecustomers, active, 1.0.1; Amasty_Orderattr, active, 3.4.5; Amasty_Paction, active, 1.7.1; Amasty_Promocopy, active, 1.0.2; Amasty_RuleTimeConditions, active, 1.0.1; Amasty_Rules, active, 1.9.2; Amasty_RulesPro, active, 1.10.0; Amasty_Scheckout, active, 2.9.10; Amasty_Scroll, active, 1.0.13; Amasty_SeoToolKit, active, 1.8.2; Amasty_Shiprules, disabled, ; Amasty_Shopby, active, 3.0.5; Amasty_Sorting, active, 1.3.12; Amasty_Xlanding, active, 1.8.0; Amasty_Xnotif, active, 1.5.5; Anaraky_Gdrt, disabled, ; Aoe_Scheduler, active, 1.5.0; Apptrian_Minify, disabled, ; BL_CustomGrid, active, 0.9.0; Brim_CacheWarmer, disabled, ; Bss_DeferJS, disabled, ; Bss_FastOrder, active, 2.1.3; Cartin24_Cmsimport, disabled, ; Cdr_OrderComment, disabled, ; Ced_SocialLogin, disabled, ; Clearandfizzy_EnhancedCMS, disabled, ; Cm_RedisSession, active, 0.2; Creare_Seoheading, disabled, ; Defcon2_Imaclean, active, 1.2.1; DigitalPianism_ExportReview, active, 0.1.2; Divvit_Divvit, disabled, ; Dotsquares_Core, active, 1.1.0; Dotsquares_Export, active, 1.1.0; Dotsquares_Import, active, 1.1.0; EM_Ajaxcart, active, 0.1.0; EM_Bestsellerproducts, active, 0.1.0; EM_Cmswidget, active, 0.0.1; EM_Dynamicproducts, active, 0.1.0; EM_Megamenupro, active, 0.1.1; EM_Multidealpro, disabled, ; EM_Newproducts, active, 0.1.0; EM_Productlabels, active, 1.0.0; EM_Quickshop, active, 0.1.0; EM_Recentreviewproducts, active, 0.1.0; EM_Saleproducts, active, 0.1.0; EM_Sliderwidget, active, 1.0.0; EM_Slideshow2, active, 0.1.0; EM_Tabs, active, 0.0.1; EM_Themeframework, active, 0.1.0; ET_CurrencyManager, active, 1.2.6; ET_IpSecurity, active, 2.2.0; ET_Reviewnotify, active, 1.1.1; ET_RussianLanguagePack, active, 1.5.4; ET_SocialLogin, active, 0.1.3; Eabi_Livehandler, active, 0.1.17; EasyMart_CustomerRelateOrder, active, 1.0.2; Easylife_Relations, active, 1.0.0; Ebizmarts_MailChimp, active,; Evince_ConflictIndicator, active, 0.1.1; Evince_SiteMaintenance, disabled, ; Facebook_AdsExtension, active, 2.3.4; Fishpig_Wordpress, active,; Fishpig_Wordpress_Addon_WordPressSEO, active,; Fishpig_Wordpress_Addon_Yarpp, active,; Fishpig_Wordpress_Addon_VisualComposer, active,; Fontis_Wysiwyg, disabled, ; Gala_Rainbowsettings, active, 0.1.0; Google_Shoppingconnect, active, 1.0.0; HartmutLtd_PHP7Totalsfix, active, 1.0.0; IWD_All, active, 2.1.0; IWD_SalesRepresentative, active,; Inchoo_InvalidatedBlockCacheFix, disabled, ; Inchoo_LoginAsCustomer, active,; Inchoo_PHP7, active, 2.0.1; Liqpay_Liqpay, disabled, ; Lotusbreath_OneStepCheckout, disabled, ; MST_Menupro, disabled, ; MagePsycho_Easypathhints, active, 0.2.0; MageWorx_Adminhtml, disabled, ; MageWorx_All, disabled, ; MageWorx_GeoIP, disabled, ; MageWorx_GeoLock, disabled, ; MageWorx_OrdersEdit, disabled, ; MageWorx_OrdersGrid, disabled, ; MageWorx_OrdersManagement, disabled, ; MageWorx_OrdersPro, disabled, ; Magefast_UkrainianRegions, active, 1.0.2; Magegiant_Onestepcheckout, disabled, ; Magegiant_SocialLogin, disabled, ; Magegiant_GgLogin, disabled, ; Magegiant_TwLogin, disabled, ; Magegiant_WpLogin, disabled, ; Magegiant_YhLogin, disabled, ; Magegiant_LiveLogin, disabled, ; Magehit_Storecredit, disabled, ; Magestore_Featuredproduct, disabled, ; Magestore_Magenotification, disabled, ; Magestore_Megamenu, active, 0.3.2; Magestore_PaypalBNCode, active, 0.1.0; MagestyApps_All, active, 1.1.0; MagestyApps_ReviewReminder, active, 1.0.2; Maguru_Core, active, 1.1.1; Maguru_Oneclickbuy, active, 0.1.0; Mediarocks_RetinaImages, disabled, ; Mgt_Base, active, 1.0.3; Mgt_DeleteOrders, active, 1.0.5; Mirasvit_AsyncCache, disabled, ; Mirasvit_Misspell, active, 1.2.4; Mirasvit_MstCore, active, 1.0.8; Mirasvit_SearchAutocomplete, active, 1.1.9; Mirasvit_SearchIndex, active,; Mirasvit_SearchLandingPage, active, 1.0.1; Mirasvit_SearchSphinx, active, 2.3.1; Mirasvit_Seo, active, 0.2.9; Mirasvit_SeoAutolink, active, 1.0.4; Mirasvit_SeoFilter, active, 0.1.1; Mirasvit_SeoSitemap, active, 1.0.0; Phoenix_Moneybookers, active,; Pixelpaul_Categoryfilterdisable, disabled, 0.1.0; Plumrocket_Base, active, 1.0.9; Plumrocket_AdvancedReviewAndReminder, active, 1.3.0; Plumrocket_Amp, active, 1.4.3; Plumrocket_SocialLogin, active, 1.4.0; Potato_Compressor, active, 1.3.0; Potato_Core, active, 1.0; Potato_FullPageCache, disabled, ; Potato_LoginAsCustomer, disabled, ; Potato_PhoneMask, active, 1.0.0; Pulsestorm_Modulelist, active, 0.2.2; Raveinfosys_Deleteorder, disabled, ; Raveinfosys_Exporter, active, 1.0.5; Rp_Importexportattributes, active, 0.1.0; Rugento_Novaposhta, disabled, ; Rugento_Smsnotice, active, 1.1.13; SSTech_Categorygridfilter, active, 0.1.0; Scommerce_Core, active, 0.0.1; Scommerce_OptimizeImages, active, 2.0.1; Sheep_Debug, active, 1.8.1; Simi_Appreport, disabled, ; Simi_Appwishlist, disabled, ; Simi_Cloudconnector, disabled, ; Simi_Connector, disabled, ; Simi_Hideaddress, disabled, ; Simi_Manalytics, disabled, ; Simi_Paypalmobile, disabled, ; Simi_Popup, disabled, ; Simi_Simibarcode, disabled, ; Simi_Simicategory, disabled, ; Simi_Simicontact, disabled, ; Simi_Simifblogin, disabled, ; Simi_Similayerednavigation, disabled, ; Simi_Siminotification, disabled, ; Simi_Simipromoteapp, disabled, ; Simi_Simivideo, disabled, ; Simi_Spotproduct, disabled, ; Simi_Themeone, disabled, ; Simi_Ztheme, disabled, ; Smartaddons_CategoryShowcase, disabled, 1.0; Soon_StockReleaser, active, 1.0.3; Steverobbins_Redismanager, active, 1.4.2; TM_Core, active, 1.2.1; TM_EasyCatalogImg, active, 2.3.3; TM_FacebookLB, active, 2.0.1; Uecommerce_CustomerExists, active, 0.1.3; VantageAnalytics_Analytics, active, 1.2.2; Web4pro_Fastorder, disabled, ; Wee_Base, active,; Wee_PerformanceCheck, disabled, ; Wf_CustomerBalance, active,; Xtento_XtCore, active, 1.1.7; Xtento_GridActions, active, 1.8.3; Xtento_ProductExport, disabled, ; Ebizmarts_Mandrill, disabled,' } ,feed: { enabled: false ,format: 'TSV' ,totalVisibleProducts: 33220 } ,defaultStoreId: '1' ,stores: '{"Admin > Default > Admin":"0","Main Website > Main Website Store > Home Zone":"1"}' ,diaSettingId: 299372593791372 ,feedPrepared: { feedUrl: 'https://homezone.com.ua/media/facebook_adstoolbox_ product_feed.tsv' ,feedPingUrl: 'https://homezone.com.ua/facebookadstoolbox/ productfeed/genPing' ,samples: } };

Please suggest what can we do with it?

2017-11-17 3:02 GMT+02:00 Dmitri Dranishnikov notifications@github.com:

@nicdima https://github.com/nicdima Sorry, could you please re-send the email? We were having trouble with our email alias, which has now been fixed.

— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/facebookincubator/facebook-for-magento/issues/21#issuecomment-345113240, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AKwOujsPw0un1KH6ti9nMG5eFcUXMq4Cks5s3NsagaJpZM4QNzkE .

dmitridr commented 6 years ago


Thanks for your patience, I received your email @nicdima. I see both of you have the same problem, the problem is at the very end, samples: the array of sample products that is sent to the popup is empty.

This is probably because there was an exception when fetching your products. Unfortunately, without knowing what this exception was, we cannot help.

However, you can find out what this exception is if you have logging enabled, you should be able to see the exception in your webserver's PHP logs. If you have access to these logs, please check them for any exceptions whose time matches when you opened the plugin screen and paste the stack trace here.

You may also be able to find this exception in the magento logs, located in /var/log. If we can get a stack trace, I'm confident that we can solve this problem and issue a fix.


dmitridr commented 6 years ago

@vaguemind @nicdima In #11 we discovered that blank currency conversion rates could be one of the causes. Could you check that this is not the issue for you as well? The conversion rates can be found in System > Currency > Rates.

okniazik commented 6 years ago


No, it is not blank.

2017-12-09 0:59 GMT+02:00 Dmitri Dranishnikov notifications@github.com:

@vaguemind https://github.com/vaguemind @nicdima https://github.com/nicdima In #11 https://github.com/facebookincubator/facebook-for-magento/issues/11 we discovered that blank currency conversion rates could be one of the causes. Could you check that this is not the issue for you as well? The conversion rates can be found in System > Currency > Rates.

— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/facebookincubator/facebook-for-magento/issues/21#issuecomment-350393382, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AKwOunKsvdoKYWI06vzcVGjvhJjl611bks5s-b9OgaJpZM4QNzkE .

dmitridr commented 6 years ago


Thanks for confirming.

If you're comfortable with it, we can move forward on this if you (any of you who are having this problem) are willing to send us a temporary login to your site, at ads_extension_magento@fb.com. We can then take a look and try to identify the problem and fix it, though we will need permission to install a new version of the extension in order to test.

I ask because this method worked well for #11 a similar issue, so I think it can work here as well.

nicdima commented 6 years ago

@dmitridr I confirm that is not blank also.

dmitridr commented 6 years ago

@vaguemind @nicdima @okniazik Hey all,

If you are still having this problem, we have a potential fix in v2.4.1 which you could try thanks to the great work done by @mpalasis in #42

dmitridr commented 6 years ago

Hi all, v2.6.0 Introduces a Debug Mode for the extension. This mode will allow you to self-diagnose the problem and if necessary, post critical information on GitHub for us to help you. Please try it.

julio-gorge commented 5 years ago

Same problem here running 2.6.1 on Magento Blank plugin admin area. Debug mode does not seem to be turning itself on automatically either.

Extension does not seem to be outputting anything to the logs. Have installed lots of other extensions manually in the past, this is puzzling..

dmitridr commented 5 years ago

Hi @julio-gorge, You can try accessing the JS console and typing window.facebookAdsExtensionAjax.debug this will give the URL to access debug mode. If even this does not work something must be seriously wrong with the installation. Are there any errors in the JS console?

julio-gorge commented 5 years ago

@dmitridr navigating to /fbdbug/index results in a white blank page with a 'Test' button, and several JavaScript errors in the console upon load . See JS console screenshot: https://postimg.cc/Ff1jq9yg

Looks like some JS debug code in there is trying to use ':' for assignment instead of '='...

dmitridr commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the report. I will fix that for the next version, which I will release in a couple of days. I doubt that is the root cause of the blank-page problem, as my debug mode still loads despite the incorrect use of : .

dmitridr commented 5 years ago

@julio-gorge please try v2.6.2 as I've fixed the errors you saw. Still, I doubt that is where the problem is, but maybe there will be some new errors.

Do you have another FB extension installed? Perhaps there could be a namespace conflict.

julio-gorge commented 5 years ago

Thanks @dmitridr , 2.6.2 works for me!

(My issue was actually not having the right permissions for the /js/Facebook/ folder, all good now :) )

dmitridr commented 5 years ago

Nice. Thanks for noting that down here as it may help others with this problem.