facebookarchive / facebook-for-magento

A first-party extension plugin built for Magento. This plugin will install a pixel on your site, upload your products into a catalog for use in FB ads, and (optionally) auto-create an FB shop with your products.
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Extension failed to load required configuration data from your store : Debug Mode not good enough to catch issue. #91

Open bobsca opened 6 years ago

bobsca commented 6 years ago

Hi, just installed the facebook extension for magento but, it fails to load after installation.

Ran the Debug which says: "No Issues Detected in Test." So at a loss here.

Have attached the debug file so would be grateful for any help with this please. facebook_ads_extension_debug.log

dmitridr commented 6 years ago


Thanks for reporting this issue. Could you tell me your Magento version and Plugin version? If you are not using v2.6.1, please try 2.6.1. If you are using v2.6.1, could you try an older version of the plugin available here, for example v2.5.1 ? This will help us determine if the problem you are seeing is caused by a new update from us or not.

Unfortunately there is not much we can do at this time to diagnose your problem... looking at your debug log, there is no error that I can see either. Most likely there is an error with the extension being unable to fetch required configuration data about your store that is not being tested by debug mode.

I'll work on improving debug mode and reach out to you in this thread when an improvement is ready, however in the meantime if you want to help us debug this, there are things you can do:

During the process the extension is failing to load, if you click 'View Source' on the page, and search for facebookAdsToolboxConfig, this is most likely the cause of the problem. If you are able, please paste the snippet of code related to facebokAdsToolboxConfig here, so we can take a look and try and figure it out. Whichever part of the configuration did not load is likely to blame.

Also, I would disable compilation mode if you have it enabled.

BB-000 commented 5 years ago

Where is debug mode..?

Can't find any info on how to enable / where the logs are ??

dmitridr commented 5 years ago

It should autoload. If it doesn't try the advice at the end of #21 to get a URL where it can be accessed. Looks like debug mode needs some improvement here.