* Pixel on all pages, which trigger events link, PageView, ViewContent, AddToCart, Initiatecheckout and Purchase.* In the background, Syncs the products from the merchants product catalog to Facebook Catalog.* Stores all the data, like pixel id, catalog id, business maanger id, on to the local database on the instance.
source link
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Facebook\BusinessExtension\Model\System\Config::getOutOfStockThreshold() #22
open a product detail page via magento admin and save the product.
error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Facebook\BusinessExtension\Model\System\Config::getOutOfStockThreshold() in vendor/facebook/facebook-for-magento2/Model/Product/Feed/Builder/Inventory.php:126
so there is this call: $this->systemConfig->getOutOfStockThreshold()
if I look at this class
Facebook\BusinessExtension\Model\System\Config as SystemConfig;
I don't find any method like getOutOfStockThreshold
m2 2.3.6 facebook/facebook-for-magento2 1.2.6
so there is this call: $this->systemConfig->getOutOfStockThreshold() if I look at this class Facebook\BusinessExtension\Model\System\Config as SystemConfig; I don't find any method like getOutOfStockThreshold