facebookarchive / fbctf

Platform to host Capture the Flag competitions
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Latest pushes to master and removing functionality without context #647

Open javuto opened 5 years ago

javuto commented 5 years ago

In the last few days there has been several pushes to the master branch from the Github handle @v1ncenth and some of those remove some parts of the platform that were distinctive elements of a CTF and the fbctf project. For example, the progressive scoreboard was removed completely here, along with other parts of the platform:


Is there a plan to provide an alternative progressive scoreboard? Otherwise I think removing such amount of code, without a PR and no context is a bit bold and unexpected for a project the size of the facebook CTF platform.

Looking forward having some context of what the plan is and timeline for changes, instead of this myriad of yolo pushes...

v1ncenth commented 5 years ago

We are in process of performing updates and working on enhancements.

javuto commented 5 years ago

Really? Because the only thing I have seen is code and functionality being removed and half-assed pushes to master. Not very professional is it? At least you could make the changes in a PR and explain what is happening and what is the roadmap. I think I am going to just focus on my fork and if you want to ruin the CTF platform, just have at it. Quite shocking that Facebook can not keep a project this size maintained properly.