facebookarchive / fbctf

Platform to host Capture the Flag competitions
6.52k stars 1.32k forks source link


Open henk-devries opened 4 years ago

henk-devries commented 4 years ago

I've successful installed FBCTF on a AWS ubuntu instance. https://ip-address doesn't work (NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID) in most browsers. it works on firefox

So I added the ip to the load balancer with a valid certificate. Although the certificate and domain name are correct the FBCTF doesn't work.


There are redirects on the load balancer. How can I solve this issue on the server?

eeeehaw commented 4 years ago

Did you change the nginx paths per the topic on SSL in this page for your own certificate/key, or generate a new cert/key via LetsEncrypt: https://github.com/facebook/fbctf/wiki/Installation-Guide,-Production ? That worked for me (download cerbot first from LetsEncrypt) and eliminated complaints from all browsers (I have fbctf stood up on AWS, also).