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Locked out of UI #695

Open standarduserllc opened 4 years ago

standarduserllc commented 4 years ago

process of events...

We changed the admin name to our username, which ended up only creating a team. Then we disabled logins thinking our account was a user. Now our account, which is a group, and an admin, can't login because we don't appear to have an individual admin account, so we're locked out of the whole UI.

Is there a way to: resolve this that we're not considering or don't know of? re-enable UI logins from command line? add an admin user to the UI from the command line?


standarduserllc commented 4 years ago

Turns out after some more inspection it might actually be the admin login page isn't populating the fields when we select 'login'. We're getting an error that says "Error", then the index.php page is throwing an error saying empty fields have been sent, although we aren't really sending empty fields.