facebookarchive / fbctf

Platform to host Capture the Flag competitions
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how to acces from my ip direct - without Vagrant?! #697

Closed apuhcc closed 4 years ago

apuhcc commented 4 years ago


So i followd the steps from here : https://github.com/facebook/fbctf/wiki/Installation-Guide,-Production

But when i go externaly my machine to acces from my ip don't work, If i try :


I read many of the issues and other blogs and get in to the file Vagran, the ip is set up is you use there. How to use without Vagrant, or how can i install it with out Vagrant - need to disable/modify the provision script or what i need to do ?

Thank you

apuhcc commented 4 years ago

i found this : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41618817/install-fb-ctf-from-scratch

Download FBCTF from www.github.com/facebook.com/fbctf and extracted into home folder as /home//fbctf/

All code of Project is there on /fbctf/src/

Line no 49 to 59 :: file /fbctf/extra/provision.sh

MODE="dev" # dev / prod ///PREFERRABLY PROD NOREPOMODE=false
TYPE="self" # CTF ITSELF PRODUCE ITS CERTIFICATE KEYFILE="none" CERTFILE="none" DOMAIN="localhost" # DOMAIN YOU ARE GOING TO INSTALL EMAIL="none" CODE_PATH="/home//fbctf" # by default /vagrant change it to where the downloaded code is present
CTF_PATH="/var/www/fbctf" # by default it is /var/www/ change it if u need to install to some other destination. (Make sure that this path is access able to nginx and hhvm) HHVM_CONFIG_PATH="/etc/hhvm/server.ini"

cd fbctf ./extra/provision.sh prod pwd

after instaling it will work on your machine IP