facebookarchive / huxley

A testing system for catching visual regressions in Web applications.
Apache License 2.0
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Next release: fully automated option #45

Closed nathanbirrell closed 10 years ago

nathanbirrell commented 10 years ago

Would it be possible for Huxley to automatically run through each webpage, without any action from the user (including rerecord) when specified?

In the Huxleyfile, an option like autorecord=true could be added for each test, which would mean on pages where no GUI changes majorly, testing is much faster.

chenglou commented 10 years ago

How would that work though? As in, just let huxley take a screen shot by itself and move on?

nathanbirrell commented 10 years ago

Yes, without user input. Would that be possible?

chenglou commented 10 years ago

Of course, though I'm not not sure how useful it is since you can copy paste a record file over to achieve that

nathanbirrell commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I mean when recording, rather than opening the browser, having to hit enter and then enter again to rerecord, couldn't that be automated for pages which have no changing UI elements?

chenglou commented 10 years ago

Oh, sorry misunderstood. You can't take the screen shot without opening the browser, at least not with selenium (which powers Huxley) afaik? So you can only save two or three keystrokes.

(FYI: with the current implementation, the first batch of screen shot (during recording) is actually discarded because of input fields focus aura (the auto rerecording defocuses all)).

nathanbirrell commented 10 years ago

Ah, okay. Thanks @chenglou.