facebookarchive / ios-snapshot-test-case

Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
MIT License
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ios-snapshot-test-case does not work properly if UIApperance attributes change intrinsic content size of view being tested #227

Open jgongo opened 7 years ago

jgongo commented 7 years ago

I was having a problem regarding a view that wasn't being properly recorded when I changed an attribute of the view using the UIAppearance proxy, if that attribute would change the intrinsic content size of the view.

The culprit seems to be in the following method in UIImage+Snapshot.m:

+ (UIImage *)fb_imageForView:(UIView *)view
  CGRect bounds = view.bounds;
  NSAssert1(CGRectGetWidth(bounds), @"Zero width for view %@", view);
  NSAssert1(CGRectGetHeight(bounds), @"Zero height for view %@", view);

  // If the input view is already a UIWindow, then just use that. Otherwise wrap in a window.
  UIWindow *window = [view isKindOfClass:[UIWindow class]] ? (UIWindow *)view : view.window;
  BOOL removeFromSuperview = NO;
  if (!window) {
    window = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] fb_strictKeyWindow];

  if (!view.window && view != window) {
    [window addSubview:view];
    removeFromSuperview = YES;

  UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(bounds.size, NO, 0);
  [view layoutIfNeeded];
  [view drawViewHierarchyInRect:view.bounds afterScreenUpdates:YES];

  UIImage *snapshot = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

  if (removeFromSuperview) {
    [view removeFromSuperview];

  return snapshot;

The problem is the following:

  1. In the beginning of the method the current bounds of the view to be tested are stored in the bounds variable.
  2. The view is added to a window (if it still didn't belong to one). This fires the appearance mechanism, that may set a property that calls setNeedsLayout
  3. Then an image context is created with the size of the original bounds.
  4. Then layoutIfNeeded is invoked on the view being tested. This may change the original dimensions of the view if the intrinsic content size changes
  5. The view is drawn using its current bounds, but the image context is still using the original bounds

As a result, if the view has a greater intrinsic content size due to some change in appearance properties (for example, a greater font) it is clipped as it's being drawn in a smaller image context.

Is it possible to invoke layoutIfNedeedbefore UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions to use the updated size of the view? Or am I missing anything? BTW, the view I'm testing seems to be behaving correctly when resized after changing the font to a greater one in an application, so I think it's correctly implemented (I may share it if you want)

jgongo commented 7 years ago

I have just noticed that this also happens with any property that changes the intrinsic content size. For example, setting a large text that makes the view grow.

Grubas7 commented 7 years ago

@jgongo could you provide sample app?

jgongo commented 7 years ago

Here you have it. I'm using Nimble-Snapshots as a wrapper over ios-snapshot-test-case, but I've checked that the parameters are being correctly passed down. If they weren't, appearance properties wouldn't be applied.

Here you have the relevant piece of code:

UIButton.appearance().contentEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 15, left: 15, bottom: 15, right: 15)

let button = UIButton(type: .system)
button.setTitle("Click me!", for: .normal)
button.layer.borderColor = UIColor.red.cgColor
button.layer.borderWidth = 2

button.snp.makeConstraints({ (make) in

expect(button).to(recordSnapshot(usesDrawRect: true))

I've added a border to the button so you can check its bounds and a width constraint so it gets resized when auto layout does its magic. If you comment the first line (setting the content edge insets through the appearance proxy) you'll see the button snapshot gets properly recorded. If you leave it you'll see the button gets clipped on the bottom and right.


jgongo commented 7 years ago

I have just created a PR to solve the issue: #228

jgongo commented 7 years ago

Hi... is this project alive? I opened this issue more than 4 months ago, I provided a PR solving the issue, and yet no progress 😞

nscoding commented 7 years ago

Hey, I understand and I am really sorry for this. Unfortunately I recently archived the project as we no longer use this internally and deciding about API improvements without being a consumer is incredibly difficult. I am working on a solution though to provide a better owner for it. I'll keep you posted.

jgongo commented 7 years ago

I'm curious... you no longer do view based testing? Or do you use anything else?

nscoding commented 7 years ago

Our number of tests grew (>10k) and intentional changes were slowing us down so we built another system (similar to this one) that doesn't rely on XCTestCase. It simply records images and stores them in the DB. This runs on CI job and If there is a change, we file a task and bisect to the offending commit.

remlostime commented 6 years ago

@nscoding Is it possible to share the timeline for new FBSnapshotTest framework? And will FB opensource it?

freak4pc commented 6 years ago

@nscoding I imagine you won't Open source this new piece of software, but any chance you can give a quick rundown (or just notes) on what was the selected solution? How do you make snapshots of your Views/Layers without a dependency on XCTestCase? Sounds very interesting and I'd love the opportunity to dig deeper into it.

nscoding commented 6 years ago

@freak4pc I want to write a lengthy post about it but I haven't found the time to do so. Generally speaking this system made it really hard for us to scale it because it requires having to record the screenshots for intended changes.

As our numbers of snapshot tests grew we needed a more async system that files tasks for changes instead of making the diffs land blocking. So our new infra is running the screenshot tests on a cron job and if there is a visual change it creates tasks and assigns them to the author. The author can then either close the task or treat it as a regression and follow up with a fix.

jgongo commented 6 years ago

@nscoding I understand that the rest of the world probably hasn't the needs of Facebook :) So I guess a lot of people would benefit from this pod still being available and maintained by someone. Do you have any plans for transferring its ownership or should we fork it to go ahead?

nscoding commented 6 years ago

@jgongo yes I've been trying to do this for quite some time now and we just manage to finish it


freak4pc commented 6 years ago

Thanks @nscoding - First of all thank you so much for finding the time to reply. I really look forward to reading your article, when you get the time; whenever you publish it, would appreciate if you could share it here so other people coming from Google search can find it :)

As our numbers of snapshot tests grew we needed a more async system that files tasks for changes instead of making the diffs land blocking. So our new infra is running the screenshot tests on a cron job and if there is a visual change it creates tasks and assigns them to the author. The author can then either close the task or treat it as a regression and follow up with a fix.

This entire bit entirely makes sense. Our snapshot test cases are large at number and take up most of the time to a successful/failed test suite.

The interesting part about this is you writing this isn't depending on XCTest. This is really the part I don't entirely understand, since even on a cron job, these snapshot tests will have to run inside a simulator, unless you built something entirely from scratch instead of XCTest. If you'll have a few minutes to share a few words about that, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks for all your work on this project !