I know that php is generally legal hack. but xxxxx.php should be identified, colored and evaluated as php, especially for folks who do not use hack.
I looked some for a report of this and could not find one.
Issue and Steps to Reproduce
Nuclide is identifying xxxxx.php as language = hack. Customization to atom's config.cson does seem to fix this.
Disable Nuclide - correct identification:
I know that php is generally legal hack. but xxxxx.php should be identified, colored and evaluated as php, especially for folks who do not use hack.
I looked some for a report of this and could not find one.
Issue and Steps to Reproduce
Nuclide is identifying xxxxx.php as language = hack. Customization to atom's config.cson does seem to fix this. Disable Nuclide - correct identification:
Expected Behavior
Nuclide should identify a php file as php.
Actual Behavior
See above
Additional Details
apm ls --installed
): [13:18] ~$ apm ls --installed Community Packages (73) /home/bos/.atom/packages ├── MagicPython@1.0.10 ├── Parinfer@1.17.0 ├── Sublime-Style-Column-Selection@1.7.4 ├── atom-brackets-glow@0.4.0 ├── atom-monokai@0.10.9 ├── atom-terminal-panel@4.4.4 ├── atom-ternjs@0.18.3 ├── autoclose-html@0.23.0 ├── autocomplete-date@0.4.0 ├── bos1-syntax@0.0.0 ├── browser-plus@0.0.87 ├── busy-signal@1.4.1 ├── clojure-indent@0.2.0 ├── colorblind-wombat-dark-syntax@0.6.0 ├── css-snippets@1.1.0 ├── drag-drop-text@0.1.4 ├── emmet@2.4.3 ├── file-icons@2.1.4 ├── git-log@0.4.1 ├── git-plus@7.8.0 ├── haskell-grammar@0.4.0 ├── highlight-line@0.12.0 ├── highlight-selected@0.13.1 ├── hyperclick@0.0.40 ├── hyperclick-php@0.2.1 ├── indent-guide-improved@1.4.12 ├── ink@0.6.5 ├── intentions@1.1.2 ├── javascript-snippets@1.2.1 ├── js-hyperclick@1.11.0 ├── language-babel@2.61.0 ├── language-graphql@0.8.0 ├── language-ini@1.19.0 ├── language-javascript-jsx@0.3.7 ├── language-jsx@0.1.1 ├── language-lua@0.9.11 ├── language-ocaml@1.8.0 ├── language-swift@0.5.0 ├── language-thrift@1.0.2 ├── linter@2.1.4 ├── linter-csslint@1.3.4 ├── linter-eslint@8.1.7 ├── linter-htmlhint@1.3.3 ├── linter-php@1.3.2 ├── linter-ui-default@1.3.0 ├── lipsum@0.1.0 ├── lisp-paredit@0.5.5 ├── meld-diff@0.2.0 ├── merge-conflicts@1.4.4 ├── minimap@4.28.2 ├── minimap-codeglance@0.4.6 ├── minimap-highlight-selected@4.6.1 ├── minimap-pigments@0.2.2 ├── minimap-split-diff@0.3.7 ├── nuclide@0.223.0 ├── nuclide-format-js@0.0.36 ├── permanent-delete@0.1.5 ├── php-hyperclick@1.2.1 ├── pigments@0.39.1 ├── prettier-atom@0.30.0 ├── project-manager@3.3.4 ├── proto-repl@1.4.20 ├── proto-repl-charts@0.4.1 ├── set-syntax@0.3.2 ├── sort-lines@0.14.0 ├── split-diff@1.3.1 ├── status-bar-blame@1.0.4 ├── swackets@0.26.0 ├── tabs-to-spaces@1.0.3 ├── tag@0.5.0 ├── todo-show@1.11.0 ├── toggle-quotes@1.0.1 └── tool-bar@1.1.0[13:18] ~$