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tree is disable with the installation #1283

Open radjivF opened 6 years ago

radjivF commented 6 years ago

Issue and Steps to Reproduce

After installation no tree is showed

Expected Behavior

Should have a tree

Actual Behavior

After the installation nucleide disable the tree


shushz commented 6 years ago

Nuclide ships with its own implementation of the tree, so it disables the built-in one. You can always enable it again by going to Atom settings, looking for "tree-view" package and clicking "Enable".

If Nuclide's file-tree, however, didn't show up it probably means that for some reason the installation did not go successfully and parts of Nuclide's code are missing (although it's worth trying restart Atom first to really make sure this is not some transient artifact).

Could you please try reinstalling Nuclide?

radjivF commented 6 years ago

nah I still have the problem

shushz commented 6 years ago

Could you please attach the following pieces of information?

Sanitize the sensitive parts as you feel needed.

ghs commented 6 years ago

Same here since since couple of days ago some packages got updated, but noticed it yesterday when had to restart completely Atom.

Completely no tree and the build-in one is always disabled with each restart. Toggling/collapsing nuclide>file tree or view>file tree or view>distraction mode has the same result: no file tree available.

├── Atom-Hack@7.0.0 ├── angularjs@0.4.0 ├── atom-beautify@0.30.5 ├── atom-runner@2.7.1 ├── atom-ternjs@0.18.3 ├── atom-typescript@11.0.9 ├── build@0.69.0 ├── busy@0.7.0 ├── busy-signal@1.4.3 ├── color-picker@2.2.5 ├── custom-title@1.0.1 ├── file-icons@2.1.12 ├── git-control@0.9.0 ├── git-history@3.3.0 ├── git-time-machine@1.5.9 ├── gpp-compiler@3.0.7 ├── gulp-control@0.5.0 ├── highlight-selected@0.13.1 ├── hyperclick@0.1.5 ├── imdone-atom@2.2.7 ├── intentions@1.1.5 ├── ionic-preview@0.7.0 ├── js-hyperclick@1.11.1 ├── jshint@1.8.6 ├── json-schema@0.1.15 ├── language-arduino@0.4.3 ├── language-babel@2.75.1 ├── language-docker@1.1.8 ├── language-graphql@0.9.0 ├── language-hack@0.1.1 ├── language-ini@1.19.0 ├── language-nginx@0.8.0 ├── latex@0.48.0 ├── linter@2.2.0 (disabled) ├── linter-docker@0.2.1 ├── linter-eslint@8.3.2 ├── linter-gcc@0.7.1 ├── linter-javac@1.9.4 ├── linter-jshint@3.1.6 ├── linter-less@2.6.0 ├── linter-php@1.5.1 ├── linter-phpmd@2.0.0 ├── linter-ruby@1.2.6 ├── linter-tslint@1.8.1 ├── linter-ui-default@1.6.10 ├── local-history@4.3.0 ├── merge-conflicts@1.4.5 ├── minimap@4.29.7 ├── minimap-bookmarks@0.4.2 ├── minimap-find-and-replace@4.5.2 ├── minimap-git-diff@4.3.1 ├── minimap-highlight-selected@4.6.1 ├── minimap-selection@4.5.0 ├── minimap-split-diff@0.3.7 ├── node-debugger@1.10.1 ├── nuclide@0.259.0 ├── pigments@0.40.2 ├── platformio-ide@2.0.0-rc.3 ├── platformio-ide-debugger@1.2.4 ├── platformio-ide-terminal@2.7.0 ├── qolor@0.4.2 ├── regex-railroad-diagram@0.19.4 ├── script@3.16.0 ├── seti-syntax@1.1.3 ├── seti-ui@1.9.0 ├── split-diff@1.5.1 ├── svg-preview@0.11.0 ├── todo-show@2.1.0 └── tool-bar@1.1.0

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