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An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.
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Added -initWithDisplayID: method for OS X target. #320

Closed jcbertin closed 8 years ago

jcbertin commented 8 years ago

This allows user to choose his correct display, not the composite display link created by default. Imagine you have a configuration with multiple displays but only one is used to show a shiny player with amazing animations/transitions, you may then create an animator for this display with the best refresh rate for your animations.

jcbertin commented 8 years ago

What? Why Github added all my previous commits to this pull request?! I just merged the upstream master like the doc says: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/

nlutsenko commented 8 years ago

Looks like you merged upstream into your fork, which created the whole mess locally for you. I would recommend resetting your local fork master to upstream master and then rebasing just 2 commits on top of this stuff here. I half-way suspect that this is my fault, since I squashed all the changes on merge into a single commit, instead of creating a merge commit, since this creates a slightly more linear history.

Ok, back on the point: The change is good, and I absolutely love it. We could potentially extend all of this to be able to initialize with a specific display link, but I feel like this is slightly out of scope of this PR, so I am just going to merge it!