facebookarchive / react-360

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BrowserVideoPlayer not defined #643

Open zwhitchcox opened 5 years ago

zwhitchcox commented 5 years ago


Is this a Bug or a Feature Request? For a Bug please explain below what you did, what you expected to happen, and what actually happens.

Expected behavior

When I use the example CustomPlayerSample, it tries to import {BrowserVideoPlayer} from 'react-360-web', but that property does not exist on react-360-web, so I get the error

DashVideoPlayer.js:4 Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined

There is a method called BasicVideoPlayer, but I'm not really sure what it is as I have never used any of this before.

Actual behavior

BrowserVideoPlayer is undefined


So, I'm not totally sure the right way to do this, but I just did react-360 init Hello360 and moved all the code from the sample file to the new project, and it gave me that error.


I'm not totally sure if it will work, but possibly import BasicVideoPlayer instead of BrowserVideoPlayer, but I have not tried that yet.

Additional Information

zwhitchcox commented 5 years ago


After switching to BasicVideoPlayer, the errors go away, but there's a new error Invalid asm.js: Unexpected token, and I think this is where I'm going to abandon the attempt to use this and probably try again when it is more mature. So, I won't be able to do any debugging. I'll leave it up to the maintainers to close this issue or not.

larrylin28 commented 5 years ago

BasicVideoPlayer is not exposed in current npm module, if you want to try out CustomPlayerSample, you can wait until we release the new npm module, or use a local module from github code.

nschmidtinc commented 5 years ago

BasicVideoPlayer is not exposed in current npm module, if you want to try out CustomPlayerSample, you can wait until we release the new npm module, or use a local module from github code.

when is the new npm module being released?

jrjones commented 4 years ago

Probably never, as this project appears to have gone fallow. @andrewimm appears to be the only remaining contributor, and he hasn't checked anything in since October of last year.

https://github.com/facebook/react-360/blob/master/React360/js/Video/BasicVideoPlayer.js is there, you can link it directly with a full path