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React rendering for Meteor apps
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getMeteorState fine-grained reactivity #38

Open ccorcos opened 9 years ago

ccorcos commented 9 years ago

Suppose you have multiple states you want to get.

getMeteorState: function() {
  return {
    something: Somethings.find().fetch()
    otherthing: Otherthings.find().fetch()

Whenever the smallest thing changes in either collection, BOTH will be rerun. It seems like this should look more like Template.helpers.

getMeteorState: {
    something: function() {Somethings.find().fetch()}
    otherthing: function() {Otherthings.find().fetch()}
benjamn commented 9 years ago

I bet we could support both of these styles at the same time!

ccorcos commented 9 years ago

Hey, I made my own mixin that I think you might enjoy


Two big differences are:

  1. this.rprops are reactive variables for the props so you can use them in getMeteorState
  2. getMeteorState has fine-grained reactivity as discussed here so on componentWillRecieveProps we can update only what we need.
jonagoldman commented 9 years ago

+1 I am having real trouble when a component depends on more than one collection. This should be built in react-meteor.

ccorcos commented 9 years ago

@jonagoldman check out my mixin: https://github.com/ccorcos/meteor-react-mixin

rralian commented 9 years ago

@benjamn is this issue being actively pursued? I've started playing with this package, and I really like it so far. But I'm concerned that this issue will bite me if I build anything with decent complexity.

ccorcos commented 9 years ago

@rralian, the reality is that most React components have a narrow scope. Rarely will you have more than one reactive state variable. And if you do, this is all on the client anyways. Javascript is fast, and React will prevent unnecessary re-renders. Point is, its not going to kill you. But its an obvious optimization in my opinion.

If you comfortable with Tracker, I'd highly suggest building your own mixin like I did. It isn't terribly difficult and you can get all the specifics you want out of it.