facebookarchive / react-native-custom-components

Breaking apart the Libraries/CustomComponents part of the React Native repo
70 stars 158 forks source link

Don't use React.PropTypes, use prop-types module instead #11

Closed michbil closed 7 years ago

michbil commented 7 years ago

Use create-react-class instead React.createClass https://github.com/facebookarchive/react-native-custom-components/issues/10

fahrinh commented 7 years ago

Please make this commit official. Publish to npm repo. It breaks other packages that depends on it (eg: https://github.com/rilyu/teaset).

For whom need workaround for getting this latest commit : npm install facebookarchive/react-native-custom-components

michbil commented 7 years ago

Functionality of PR already implemented in master branch, closing it