facebookarchive / react-native-fbsdk

A React Native wrapper around the Facebook SDKs for Android and iOS. Provides access to Facebook login, sharing, graph requests, app events etc.
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Does this SDK use IDFA? #806

Open trinadhkoya opened 3 years ago

trinadhkoya commented 3 years ago

With the latest changes on iOS 14 especially with IDFA, can I assume that using this SDK explicitly using IDFA? I am not displaying any ads inside my app. I am just making use of one API which is a log event.

The reason for this ask Is, have been using this SDK for the last 3 years and I always put NO to when there is a questionnaire related to IDFA during the app submission.

A specific scenario where someone is onboarded via the Facebook ad campaign and then goes to the App Store to download the app I want to be able to attribute that action to their FB campaigns in Active Campaign, does it have any impact?

atrofimenko commented 3 years ago

With the latest changes on iOS 14 especially with IDFA, can I assume that using this SDK explicitly using IDFA? I am not displaying any ads inside my app. I am just making use of one API which is a log event.

The reason for this ask Is, have been using this SDK for the last 3 years and I always put NO to when there is a questionnaire related to IDFA during the app submission.

A specific scenario where someone is onboarded via the Facebook ad campaign and then goes to the App Store to download the app I want to be able to attribute that action to their FB campaigns in Active Campaign, does it have any impact?

I faced with this issue when we validated our app with Data Theorem. I received such warning:

Affected Component

_unsymbolicated_function accessed _ASIdentifierManager` from /System/Library/Frameworks/AdSupport.framework/AdSupport


Classes and symbols in iOS frameworks which are not exposed via the public iOS SDK are considered private, and accessing these APIs may result in automatic rejection from the App Store.

Additionally, these APIs should be considered unstable, as they are undocumented and very often change between iOS versions. Their functionality is not guaranteed or even stated, and any usage of these APIs creates a potential instability vector.

It should be noted that this issue has no security impact, but may cause the App to be rejected by the App Store review team on the next submission.


Remove all references to private iOS APIs within your App. Do not use private classes or frameworks to trigger undocumented behavior. Find a way to achieve the desired goal using only the public iOS SDK.

That's why i'm join to your question and asking developers to add preprocessor macros that allows to cut down this part of a code, such methods, like

Class fbsdkdfl_ASIdentifierManagerClass(void)