facebookarchive / react-native-fbsdk

A React Native wrapper around the Facebook SDKs for Android and iOS. Provides access to Facebook login, sharing, graph requests, app events etc.
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Issues with app privacy on the App Store #848

Open auhonganh opened 3 years ago

auhonganh commented 3 years ago

Hi, My app uses react-native-fbsdk package to login by Facebook account. I received a privacy issue from Apple. (Attachment: https://prnt.sc/10prlhn) I need to know about info collection from Facebook or refer to the documentation using this package. Thanks

mifi commented 3 years ago

I'm having the same concern. Basically, to be safe, I will just tick Yes, we use product interaction data for tracking purposes on all questions that I believe the facebook SDK might be automatically storing data related to. I know that the facebook SDK collects a lot of data automatically like in-app-purchases, user activity etc. Looking in the developers.facebook.com Events dashboard, these are only some of the events:

Initiated Checkout
Login Dialog Accepts
Login Dialog Impressions
Login Permission Removals
New Facebook Login Connections
New User Activity
Page Views
Purchase Canceled
Session End
User Activity

I don't know how facebook might use all this data, but to be safe I think it's best to answer "yes" to tracking of any generic data.

auhonganh commented 3 years ago

Thanks @mifi . Your info is very helpful.

anija commented 3 years ago

There's any way to avoid to send data to Facebook?

mifi commented 3 years ago

I think some stuff can be disabled but I'm not sure how with the react native sdk https://www.facebook.com/business/m/one-sheeters/gdpr-developer-faqs