facebookarchive / react-page

Easy Application Development with React JavaScript
Apache License 2.0
797 stars 72 forks source link

Why is this abandoned? #58

Open appsforartists opened 10 years ago

appsforartists commented 10 years ago

@jordwalke + @zpao

There's a fat banner on the top of your readme that says:

This project is not actively maintained. Proceed at your own risk!

While I appreciate the warning, more detail would be helpful. Did you reach a dead-end while working on react-page? Is there a similar project that better solves this problem? Is it simply a matter of not having the resources to continue dev? Would you recommend others pick up where you left off?

Answers to some of these questions would be really helpful in understanding the best practices for using React on the server. (The SEO benefit from React's client/server agnosticism is a huge selling point for my team.)

appsforartists commented 10 years ago

CCing @spicyj, who replied to a similar comment on React

jordwalke commented 10 years ago

Did you reach a dead-end while working on react-page?

No, no technical dead ends. It was just a matter of not having the time for a while. I still use it personally for rapid reloading of pages and we still use it to develop documentation sites for projects such as Jest. I built it because there was no good one-click solution for a development flow that would allow rapid reloading (without watching) in under 50 ms, with server rendering capabilities and source maps support out of the box. It was intended to serve as a //minimum// developer experience bar. IMHO, everything else that people build for a react dev environment should be better than this, though it's not always true. Since originally building react-page, several other solutions have been built that implement many of these features. I'm not sure if they are totally comprehensive. Also, react-page-middleware/node-haste support the @providesModule dockblock directive which the React core itself uses so that means I could develop the React core with react-page-middleware - no other bundler/resource analyzer understands that convention.

Is there a similar project that better solves this problem?

I'm not sure, but I believe react-app might do most of this. I hear good things about webpack too. If anyone knows of another rapid reload environment, please let me know.

Is it simply a matter of not having the resources to continue dev? Would you recommend others pick up where you left off?

It really is just a matter of development time. I would have continued it, and I might pick it back up one day. But I hope by then, others will have built a one-click solution that does all of this and more.

If I were to continue this, I would split react-page-middleware into two pieces:

jordwalke commented 10 years ago

Another thing to note is that react-page was just supposed to be a //standard// of bare minimum features that doesn't specify how they're implemented. If something else has all of these features, then we should just replace all of the react-page implementation with that project or just redirect people to it. IMHO, it doesn't matter how we get all of these features, it just matters that we have a one click solution that provides them. Again, here's that list:

appsforartists commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the thorough reply. :smiley: