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Using alternative S3 compatible storage? #15

Closed kulshekhar closed 8 years ago

kulshekhar commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to use S3 alternatives like minio with Strata?

igorcanadi commented 8 years ago

Yes, definitely. Strata was written with a goal to be modular with respect to database (mongorocks or any other rocksdb-based database) and storage. You will only need to copy the S3 implementation (all in one file https://github.com/facebookgo/rocks-strata/blob/master/strata/s3storage/storage.go) and replace S3 calls with minio calls. We're happy to take the contribution from you.

kulshekhar commented 8 years ago

I took a look at the source code and I'm not quite sure where to start. Should I look to create a package parallel to the s3storage package?

igorcanadi commented 8 years ago
