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Compilation broke due to breaking changes in Azure SDK #32

Closed AdallomRoy closed 7 years ago

AdallomRoy commented 7 years ago


I added the Azure support a couple of months back, and now their API broke and it seems to fail to compile. I was wondering what is your approach towards vendoring packages so I could implement it to make sure we're pinned at a specific version.


AGFeldman commented 7 years ago


You could use the vendoring support that was introduced as an experiment in go 1.5 / became official in 1.6: https://golang.org/cmd/go/#hdr-Vendor_Directories. But this project doesn't currently do any vendoring, you could use any approach that seems reasonable to you.

If the Azure changes are small, maybe let's update to the new api -- otherwise -- let's vendor.

Thanks again!

digitalism commented 7 years ago

I ran into the same issue and created a fork to revert 86c9a88.

See https://github.com/digitalism/rocks-strata

Now I'm able to compile this project, using

go get github.com/digitalism/rocks-strata/strata
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/digitalism/rocks-strata/strata/cmd/mongo/lreplica_drivers/strata && go get -v ... && go build -v
AdallomRoy commented 7 years ago

Thanks for creating that alternative. I'll really try to create a working patch this week that fixes the breaking changes on the Azure SDK side.