facebookarchive / rocks-strata

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Using strata with user and password #5

Closed arturogutierrez closed 8 years ago

arturogutierrez commented 8 years ago

I'm preparing my environment to migrate my parse data to my own machines. Strata was working fine until I enabled the authentication in my mongodb. Since then, strata could connect to mongodb (obviously):

2016/03/28 12:54:07 Getting dbpath not authorized on admin to execute command { getCmdLineOpts: 1 }

Now, I don't know how to pass some credentials to strata and I don't want to expose my mongodb to Internet without authorization. I'm very noob with mongodb but, can anyone help me bring some light in this?

Thanks in advance

igorcanadi commented 8 years ago

@arturogutierrez we don't yet support auth (since we run mongodb inside of a private network), but shouldn't be hard to add, we'll try to do it today or tomorrow!

arturogutierrez commented 8 years ago

Great news! and very fast! Looking forward to seeing the commit! :smiley:

tredman commented 8 years ago

Submitted https://github.com/facebookgo/rocks-strata/pull/7 for review.

igorcanadi commented 8 years ago

@arturogutierrez can you try if the auth works for you now?

tredman commented 8 years ago

This section of the docs should get you going with the right user permissions: https://github.com/facebookgo/rocks-strata#using-password-auth

arturogutierrez commented 8 years ago

Tested and working like a charm! :clap:

igorcanadi commented 8 years ago
