facebookarchive / shimmer-android

An easy, flexible way to add a shimmering effect to any view in an Android app.
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startShimmer() and stopShimmer() are not starting or stopping the animation view #61

Closed ugokoli closed 6 years ago

ugokoli commented 6 years ago

I have implemented the library, but this two scenarios are happening; First, when the view comes up the shimmer animation starts automatically, but when I call mShimmerFrameLayout.stopShimmer() it does not stop it. Secondly, when autoStart is disabled in the layout attribute and the view comes up, if I call mShimmerFrameLayout.startShimmer(), it does not start the animation.

Please a solution is needed.

xiphirx commented 6 years ago

I just tested this in the sample app and the library is functioning correctly. Please attach a project reproducing the error.

AlexanderEggers commented 6 years ago

@xiphirx I have the same problem. When I call stopShimmer on my given ShimmerFrameLayout, the shimmer animation is not stopping. Internally it is calling the value animator cancel method, but it is still not stopping the animation.

The library seems to have a problem with the internal state of the ShimmerFrameLayout because it actually does not matter if I call startShimmer/stopShimmer on the view. The animation will always be executed. I tested this by simply creating a new project and including the relevant ShimmerFrameLayout without calling any methods.

Here is a snippet of my code:

fun setImage(view: ImageView, imageUrl: String?) {
            imageUrl?.run {
                (view.parent as? ShimmerFrameLayout)?.startShimmer()

                var requestOptions = RequestOptions()
                requestOptions = requestOptions.transforms(CenterCrop(), RoundedCorners(2))

                        .listener(object: RequestListener<Drawable> {

                            override fun onResourceReady(resource: Drawable?, model: Any?, target: Target<Drawable>?, dataSource: DataSource?, isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {
                                (view.parent as? ShimmerFrameLayout)?.stopShimmer()
                                return false

                            override fun onLoadFailed(e: GlideException?, model: Any?, target: Target<Drawable>?, isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {
                                (view.parent as? ShimmerFrameLayout)?.stopShimmer()
                                return false
xiphirx commented 6 years ago

It starts automatically when not calling anything because auto start is true by default. Can you verify that view.parent is actually a ShimmerFrameLayout? I cannot reproduce the same behavior in the sample app. You may also want to just use ShimmerDrawable directly as Glide's placeholder since its an ImageView.

AlexanderEggers commented 6 years ago

I just found out that the library is using custom layout parameter for the ShimmerFrameLayout. After setting the value, I was able to disable the auto start behaviour and use the methods instead. You should update the documentation to include this behaviour. Currently that is something that wasn't clear to me at the beginning. I expected that auto_start is false by default (especially due to your example that showed "how to start the shimmer animation".

Regarding the ShimmerDrawable, how I can I use that as a placeholder inside glide. I cannot find any reference to this drawable.

xiphirx commented 6 years ago

You can use ShimmerDrawable like any other drawable and set the same Shimmer object on it. In fact, ShimmerFrameLayout is just a thin wrapper that just delegates to ShimmerDrawable.

I'd imagine you could do something like

Shimmer shimmer = Shimmer...;
ShimmerDrawable d = new ShimmerDrawable();


I'll look into updating the docs to be clear-er, thanks.

AlexanderEggers commented 6 years ago

@xiphirx Thanks for your answer. As I wrote in my last reply, there's no available reference to ShimmerDrawable in the library (at least Android Studio cannot find this class). Are you certain that the version 0.2 is including this object?

xiphirx commented 6 years ago

Oh sorry, it's going to be in the next version. I should probably cut a new release soon

AlexanderEggers commented 6 years ago

@xiphirx When are you planning to do that? Sometime next week or later?

ugokoli commented 6 years ago

Yes please, I am also waiting for the next version soon, I hope it will address all these problems. Thanks

xiphirx commented 6 years ago


AlexanderEggers commented 6 years ago

@xiphirx Thanks for the new version! :)

i-m-aman commented 4 years ago

How to make the ShimmerDrawable rounded? I cannot change the color of the shimmer drawable.