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Caffe2 Tutorials
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No ImageInput in ModelHelper #19

Closed zieitokk closed 5 years ago

zieitokk commented 5 years ago


I was running the Multi-GPU_Training.ipynb tutorial file. As I process the file to Part 8, it said that

Method ImageInput is not a registered operator. Did you mean: [].

So I checked the function ImageInput and find out that there is no such function in ModelHelper and thus may caused the problem.

So where should I do to load images in order to get through the Multi-GPU_Training.ipynb tutorial?

Thank you.

orionr commented 5 years ago

Hi @zieitokk. Unfortunately, with our merging of Caffe2 and PyTorch in PyTorch 1.0 we don't by default include operators and code that depends on OpenCV or ffmpeg libraries so we can limit the dependencies (and issues with installs) for most users. What this means, though, is that to go through the tutorial you'll now need to build from source. You can do this with

git clone --recursive https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch && cd pytorch
USE_OPENCV=1 USE_FFMPEG=1 python setup.py install

Let us know if you have issues.