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Caffe2 Tutorials
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How to install Caffe2 on Windows? #25

Closed sarimmehdi closed 4 years ago

sarimmehdi commented 4 years ago

Hello. caffe2 installation is a mess. The official tutorial is obviously not correct so I had to follow this one: http://gianni.rosagallina.com/en/posts/2018/10/04/caffe2-gpu-windows-1.html

However, here the author says, during Step 2, to change some settings for cmake???? Are these settings supposed to be applied in build_windows.bat or am I supposed to write -DTORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=6.1 in some other file? Please explain to me how to do this. If possible, share a working build_windows,bat file

orionr commented 4 years ago

@sarimmehdi, Caffe2 installation separate from PyTorch is no longer supported. You can install one of the previous binary installs, but I'd recommend installing PyTorch for Windows and you should have the Caffe2 APIs also available to you, although not officially supported. If you can move to PyTorch APIs I'd recommend that. Feel free to follow the steps at https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ and hope that helps.