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Add --allow-non-standard-behavior and --allow-image-type webp to actool #281

Closed lacbs closed 6 years ago

lacbs commented 6 years ago

Adding the capability to pack WEBP images into compiled assets catalog. Since this is not standard behavior, I'm adding it under --allows-image-types webp. This way (--allows-image-types) also makes it easier to add future new extension types. Since this is not a feature supported by Apple's Xcode.actool, I'm also adding --allow-extensions as well, that makes it explicit it's incompatible behavior.

lacbs commented 6 years ago

@sas @strager, can you take a look at this?

lacbs commented 6 years ago

Just checking, this shows "Ktwu requested changes", but I addressed it in the latest version.

lacbs commented 6 years ago

I'll wait for feedback on renaming Extensions -> NonStandard before proceeding.