facebookexperimental / Recoil

Recoil is an experimental state management library for React apps. It provides several capabilities that are difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the newest features of React.
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A simpler way to work with Loadables? #873

Open ianstormtaylor opened 3 years ago

ianstormtaylor commented 3 years ago

Right now working with Loadable values is pretty tedious. It would be really nice if the API could be simplified for the 90% of common cases where you just want to know if something is loading, errored, or has data.

This is a common pattern that has been solved in nicer ways in existing libraries. For example in SWR with useSWR:

function Profile() {
  const { data, error } = useSWR('/api/user', fetcher)
  if (error) return <div>failed to load</div>
  if (!data) return <div>loading...</div>
  return <div>hello {data.name}!</div>

Or in Apollo with useQuery:

function Hello() {
  const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_GREETING, {
    variables: { language: 'english' },
  if (loading) return <p>Loading ...</p>;
  return <h1>Hello {data.greeting.message}!</h1>;

Or slightly more verbosely in React Query with useQuery:

function Todos() {
   const { isLoading, isError, data, error } = useQuery('todos', fetchTodoList)

   if (isLoading) {
     return <span>Loading...</span>

   if (isError) {
     return <span>Error: {error.message}</span>

   // We can assume by this point that `isSuccess === true`
   return (
       {data.map(todo => (
         <li key={todo.id}>{todo.title}</li>

For 90% of cases where the data will be either T or undefined when still loading, I think SWR's minimal API is the nicest. Either you have an error, or you have data or you're still loading. (And for the edge cases where data can resolve successfully to undefined you can use the deeper API.)

It would be really nice to do something like:

const { data, error } = useRecoilValueLoadable(...)

Instead of the current API where you have to wrangle with the awkward bits like loadable.status === 'hasValue' or loadable.errorOrThrow().

drarmstr commented 3 years ago

Hmm, the following don't seem all that different...

const {state, contents} = useRecoilValueLoadable(...);
if (state === 'hasError') { ... }


const {data, isError, error} = useRecoilValueLoadable(...);
if (isError) { ... }

For the "90% of cases where T is either a value or undefined," Loadable has a few convenience functions if you don't care about managing all of the states directly. e.g.

const value = useRecoilValueLoadable(...).valueMaybe();
return <div>{value ?? 'fallback'}</div>;

But managing all of the states isn't that verbose:

const loadable = useRecoilValueLoadable(...);
return {
  hasValue: <div>hello {loadable.contents}!}</div>
  hasError: <div>failed to load...</div>,
  loading: <div>loading...</div>,
BenjaBobs commented 3 years ago

You could also create your own hook to do exactly that:

export default function useLoadable(state: RecoilState) {
    const loadable = useRecoilLoadable(state);

    return {
        loading: loadable.state === 'loading',
        error: loadable.state === 'hasError' ? loadable.contents : undefined,
        data: loadable.state === 'hasValue' ? loadable.contents : undefined,

Apologies for typos and misremembering the syntax, I am writing this on my phone.

ianstormtaylor commented 3 years ago

@drarmstr sorry, I should have explained further. I'm not just talking about terseness here, but about making the syntax easier for people to understand. I think the current API has a more convoluted mental model, which makes it harder to understand/read, and results in buggier code. It causes a few different issues…

I'd encourage you to use GitHub's code search to see how people are using the API. I think it reveals a lot of the extra confusion the mental model of state, contents, valueMaybe, errorOrThrow, ... causes, instead of the simpler data, error. There are a lot of things people are doing weirdly…

This could be solved with a single change—exposing error and data properties, instead of the current merged contents property. I don't think so many other libraries have ended up with this API by accident, but because it's much easier for people to understand. (Check out the other libraries's GitHub code search results too, often much clearer.)

And it has some nice safeguarding properties too:

const { data, error } = useRecoilLoadableValue(...)

// If you forget this error check, you'll get an ESLint error for 
// the unused `error` variable, saving you.
if (error) return <Error />

// If you forget this loading check, you'll get a TypeScript error
// for accessing data when it could be undefined, saving you.
if (!data) return <Loading />

return data.map(...)

And it provides a clear set of renames when using multiple loadables at once:

const { data: user, error: userError } = useRecoilLoadableValue(...)
const { data: teams, error: teamsError } = useRecoilLoadableValue(...)

I'm not arguing for getting rid of the state, since I see the value in that discriminating ability. But I don't think merging all the results into contents is a good approach.

drarmstr commented 3 years ago

Well, you'll only get an unused variable lint warning about not checking error if you remember to destructure error. But more importantly, a check like if (error) is not safe because any value could thrown or rejected by a promise, including falsey values like null and undefined. So, to be able to handle any type for the data or error type you also need an out-of-band signal for the state.

ianstormtaylor commented 3 years ago

But more importantly, a check like if (error) is not safe because any value could thrown or rejected by a promise, including falsey values like null and undefined. So, to be able to handle any type for the data or error type you also need an out-of-band signal for the state.

@drarmstr Can you explain this? Not sure I understand. Could you not just wrap with an internal error if a non-Error object is thrown? Throwing non-Error objects is frowned upon in JS generally, so this seems like a rare issue? (Except for when suspending of course.)

drarmstr commented 3 years ago

It may be frowned upon, but it is still possible in JS to throw arbitrary values or reject Promises with arbitrary values and we need to be able to handle that case.

ianstormtaylor commented 3 years ago

@drarmstr yeah but…

There are lots of ways to solve that specific issue, not sure why that would prevent this API improvement. (My examples are from very popular existing libraries, so they've clearly figured out the workable tradeoff.)

just-Bri commented 2 years ago

Sorry to necro a super old thread but I'm having this same discussion with another dev. IMO useRecoilStateLoadable and useRecoilValueLoadable feel clunky to work with. It feels like we're writing code that should be happening under the hood of Loadable.

  const loadable = useRecoilValueLoadable(activeValue);
  const value =
    loadable.state === 'hasValue'
      ? loadable.contents?.thingINeed
      : null;

Maybe our current implementation/usage of Loadables is incorrect, if so please tell me!

drarmstr commented 2 years ago

Sorry to necro a super old thread but I'm having this same discussion with another dev.

IMO useRecoilStateLoadable and useRecoilValueLoadable feel clunky to work with.

It feels like we're writing code that should be happening under the hood of Loadable.

  const loadable = useRecoilValueLoadable(activeValue);

  const value =

    loadable.state === 'hasValue'

      ? loadable.contents?.thingINeed

      : null;

Maybe our current implementation/usage of Loadables is incorrect, if so please tell me!

For your example the valueMaybe() accessor is similar, though uses undefined instead of null.

stylemistake commented 1 year ago

I have borrowed the concept of Loadable from Recoil and adapted it for my workplace, and it has undergone some evolution throughout the years.


I found that having a contents field resulted in very verbose code, and required value and error methods/getters just to get a value and an error, and by switching the implementation to directly storing value in the value field and error in the error field made the implementation a lot simpler, both in JS code itself and types.

It also makes it pretty straightforward to destructure what you want via const { value, error }, even though we don't use this syntax extensively. More frequently we just use the loadable directly, like this:

const user = useSelector(selectUser);
return <span>{user.value?.name ?? 'no name'}</span>;

It also makes visual debugging easier since you can immediately see that a Loadable has a value or an error field, and diffs in Redux really help visualising it, e.g. value got removed and error was added, vs. having a change in contents field.

It does not make typing harder, as you can see from the code.

You can use state checks to narrow down the type of loadable, like so:

if (loadable.isValue()) {
  // This is now legal, because type of `value` is now known
  // and can't be `undefined`.

I don't believe reusing a contents field amounts to any performance or memory gains, it has never been an issue for us, and we never had a need to specifically benchmark this.

So hopefully this gives you the feedback you wanted. I think it's the right way to move forward, it should map pretty well onto existing API (you just need to add getters for value and error and make them smartly typed). And we're also interested in the ways we could refine the concept further.

We additionally found a very good case for having a Loadable.initial state, which is a state when there is nothing at all, and it isn't loading either - like an uninitialized variable, or a true "null" state like in Option or Nullable monads in other languages. We frequently use this state to know when a loadable resource has never been loaded, and we fetch the resource right after, becoming Loadable.loading.

Of course this can be replaced with Loadable | null, but then if you wanted to access a value you'd have to use too many null property checks loadable?.value?.x which is a bit too cumbersome.

drarmstr commented 1 year ago

@stylemistake - A limitation of using separate value and error properties is that we also need to support the situation where either a valid value or error may be nullable. So syntax like user.value?.name ?? 'no name" isn't completely sufficient.

stylemistake commented 1 year ago

@drarmstr It's not a limitation, state can still be accessible and you can discriminate between them the exact same way. it's just that common use cases like the above are made easier.