facebookexperimental / Robyn

Robyn is an experimental, AI/ML-powered and open sourced Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) package from Meta Marketing Science. Our mission is to democratise modeling knowledge, inspire the industry through innovation, reduce human bias in the modeling process & build a strong open source marketing science community.
MIT License
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Error in !hyper_fixed : invalid argument type #554

Closed BigDataRPG closed 1 year ago

BigDataRPG commented 1 year ago

Project Robyn

Describe issue

Error in !hyper_fixed : invalid argument type

Screen Shot 2022-12-02 at 15 19 12 Screen Shot 2022-12-02 at 15 19 20

Provide reproducible example

I always get error from function

**Error in !hyper_fixed : invalid argument type**

I have no idea how to fix it Thanks very much in advance

Environment & Robyn version

Make sure you're using the latest Robyn version before you post an issue.

laresbernardo commented 1 year ago

Hi @BigDataRPG Can you please share a reproducible code, maybe with the demo data? I can't seem to replicate your error. That argument is used to check if there are fixed hyper-parameters but shouldn't crash your function. Are you providing ranges for each or some hyper-parameters? Are you trying to replicate a model?

BigDataRPG commented 1 year ago

This is the code I ran before and got error on above Thanks again Robyn team

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

####################         Facebook MMM Open Source - Robyn 3.8.1    ######################
####################                    Quick guide                   #######################

#### Step 0: Setup environment

## Install, load, and check (latest) version.
## Install the stable version from CRAN.
# install.packages("Robyn")
## Install the dev version from GitHub
# install.packages("remotes") # Install remotes first if you haven't already


# Please, check if you have installed the latest version before running this demo. Update if not
# https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Robyn/blob/main/R/DESCRIPTION#L4

## Force multicore when using RStudio
Sys.setenv(R_FUTURE_FORK_ENABLE = "true")
options(future.fork.enable = TRUE)

## Must install the python library Nevergrad once
## ATTENTION: The latest Python 3.10 version may cause Nevergrad installation error
## See here for more info about installing Python packages via reticulate
## https://rstudio.github.io/reticulate/articles/python_packages.html

# install.packages("reticulate") # Install reticulate first if you haven't already
library("reticulate") # Load the library

## Option 1: nevergrad installation via PIP (no additional installs)
# virtualenv_create("r-reticulate")
# use_virtualenv("r-reticulate", required = TRUE)
# py_install("nevergrad", pip = TRUE)
# py_config() # Check your python version and configurations
## In case nevergrad still can't be installed,
# Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = "~/.virtualenvs/r-reticulate/bin/python")
# Reset your R session and re-install Nevergrad with option 1

## Option 2: nevergrad installation via conda (must have conda installed)
# conda_create("r-reticulate", "Python 3.9") # Only works with <= Python 3.9 sofar
# use_condaenv("r-reticulate")
# conda_install("r-reticulate", "nevergrad", pip=TRUE)
# py_config() # Check your python version and configurations
## In case nevergrad still can't be installed,
## please locate your python file and run this line with your path:
# use_python("~/Library/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/bin/python3.9")
# Alternatively, force Python path for reticulate with this:
# Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = "~/Library/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate/bin/python3.9")
# Finally, reset your R session and re-install Nevergrad with option 2

#### Known potential issues when installing nevergrad and possible fixes
# Try updating pip: system("pip3 install --upgrade pip")
# Be sure to have numpy (and wheel, and pip?) installed: py_install("numpy", pip = TRUE)
# Check if something looks weird on: py_config() # Py version < 3.10? No numpy?
# Check this issue for more ideas to debug your reticulate/nevergrad issues:
# https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Robyn/issues/189

#### Step 1: Load data

## Check simulated dataset or load your own dataset

## Check holidays from Prophet
# 59 countries included. If your country is not included, please manually add it.
# Tipp: any events can be added into this table, school break, events etc.

# data("data/dt_simulated_weekly")
# head(dt_simulated_weekly)

# Directory where you want to export results to (will create new folders)
robyn_object <- "~/Desktop"

### DEPRECATED: It must have extension .RDS. The object name can be different than Robyn:
# robyn_object <- "~/Desktop/MyRobyn.RDS"

#### Step 2a: For first time user: Model specification in 4 steps

#### 2a-1: First, specify input variables

## -------------------------------- NOTE v3.6.0 CHANGE !!! ---------------------------------- ##
## All sign control are now automatically provided: "positive" for media & organic variables
## and "default" for all others. User can still customise signs if necessary. Documentation
## is available in ?robyn_inputs
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##
InputCollect <- robyn_inputs(
  dt_input = dt_simulated_weekly,
  dt_holidays = dt_prophet_holidays,
  date_var = "DATE", # date format must be "2020-01-01"
  dep_var = "revenue", # there should be only one dependent variable
  dep_var_type = "revenue", # "revenue" (ROI) or "conversion" (CPA)
  prophet_vars = c("trend", "season", "holiday"), # "trend","season", "weekday" & "holiday"
  prophet_country = "DE", # input one country. dt_prophet_holidays includes 59 countries by default
  context_vars = c("competitor_sales_B", "events"), # e.g. competitors, discount, unemployment etc
  paid_media_spends = c("tv_S", "ooh_S", "print_S", "facebook_S", "search_S"), # mandatory input
  paid_media_vars = c("tv_S", "ooh_S", "print_S", "facebook_I", "search_clicks_P"), # mandatory.
  # paid_media_vars must have same order as paid_media_spends. Use media exposure metrics like
  # impressions, GRP etc. If not applicable, use spend instead.
  organic_vars = "newsletter", # marketing activity without media spend
  # factor_vars = c("events"), # force variables in context_vars or organic_vars to be categorical
  window_start = "2016-11-21",
  window_end = "2018-08-20",
  adstock = "geometric" # geometric, weibull_cdf or weibull_pdf.

#### 2a-2: Second, define and add hyperparameters

## -------------------------------- NOTE v3.6.0 CHANGE !!! ---------------------------------- ##
## Default media variable for modelling has changed from paid_media_vars to paid_media_spends.
## hyperparameter names needs to be base on paid_media_spends names. Run:
hyper_names(adstock = InputCollect$adstock, all_media = InputCollect$all_media)
## to see correct hyperparameter names. Check GitHub homepage for background of change.
## Also calibration_input are required to be spend names.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##

## Guide to setup & understand hyperparameters

## 1. IMPORTANT: set plot = TRUE to see helper plots of hyperparameter's effect in transformation
plot_adstock(plot = FALSE)
plot_saturation(plot = TRUE)

## 2. Get correct hyperparameter names:
# All variables in paid_media_spends and organic_vars require hyperparameter and will be
# transformed by adstock & saturation.
# Run hyper_names() as above to get correct media hyperparameter names. All names in
# hyperparameters must equal names from hyper_names(), case sensitive.
# Run ?hyper_names to check parameter definition.

## 3. Hyperparameter interpretation & recommendation:

## Geometric adstock: Theta is the only parameter and means fixed decay rate. Assuming TV
# spend on day 1 is 100€ and theta = 0.7, then day 2 has 100*0.7=70€ worth of effect
# carried-over from day 1, day 3 has 70*0.7=49€ from day 2 etc. Rule-of-thumb for common
# media genre: TV c(0.3, 0.8), OOH/Print/Radio c(0.1, 0.4), digital c(0, 0.3)

## Weibull CDF adstock: The Cumulative Distribution Function of Weibull has two parameters
# , shape & scale, and has flexible decay rate, compared to Geometric adstock with fixed
# decay rate. The shape parameter controls the shape of the decay curve. Recommended
# bound is c(0.0001, 2). The larger the shape, the more S-shape. The smaller, the more
# L-shape. Scale controls the inflexion point of the decay curve. We recommend very
# conservative bounce of c(0, 0.1), because scale increases the adstock half-life greatly.

## Weibull PDF adstock: The Probability Density Function of the Weibull also has two
# parameters, shape & scale, and also has flexible decay rate as Weibull CDF. The
# difference is that Weibull PDF offers lagged effect. When shape > 2, the curve peaks
# after x = 0 and has NULL slope at x = 0, enabling lagged effect and sharper increase and
# decrease of adstock, while the scale parameter indicates the limit of the relative
# position of the peak at x axis; when 1 < shape < 2, the curve peaks after x = 0 and has
# infinite positive slope at x = 0, enabling lagged effect and slower increase and decrease
# of adstock, while scale has the same effect as above; when shape = 1, the curve peaks at
# x = 0 and reduces to exponential decay, while scale controls the inflexion point; when
# 0 < shape < 1, the curve peaks at x = 0 and has increasing decay, while scale controls
# the inflexion point. When all possible shapes are relevant, we recommend c(0.0001, 10)
# as bounds for shape; when only strong lagged effect is of interest, we recommend
# c(2.0001, 10) as bound for shape. In all cases, we recommend conservative bound of
# c(0, 0.1) for scale. Due to the great flexibility of Weibull PDF, meaning more freedom
# in hyperparameter spaces for Nevergrad to explore, it also requires larger iterations
# to converge.

## Hill function for saturation: Hill function is a two-parametric function in Robyn with
# alpha and gamma. Alpha controls the shape of the curve between exponential and s-shape.
# Recommended bound is c(0.5, 3). The larger the alpha, the more S-shape. The smaller, the
# more C-shape. Gamma controls the inflexion point. Recommended bounce is c(0.3, 1). The
# larger the gamma, the later the inflection point in the response curve.

## 4. Set individual hyperparameter bounds. They either contain two values e.g. c(0, 0.5),
# or only one value, in which case you'd "fix" that hyperparameter.

# Run hyper_limits() to check maximum upper and lower bounds by range
# Example hyperparameters ranges for Geometric adstock
hyperparameters <- list(
  facebook_S_alphas = c(0.5, 3),
  facebook_S_gammas = c(0.3, 1),
  facebook_S_thetas = c(0, 0.3),
  print_S_alphas = c(0.5, 3),
  print_S_gammas = c(0.3, 1),
  print_S_thetas = c(0.1, 0.4),
  tv_S_alphas = c(0.5, 3),
  tv_S_gammas = c(0.3, 1),
  tv_S_thetas = c(0.3, 0.8),
  search_S_alphas = c(0.5, 3),
  search_S_gammas = c(0.3, 1),
  search_S_thetas = c(0, 0.3),
  ooh_S_alphas = c(0.5, 3),
  ooh_S_gammas = c(0.3, 1),
  ooh_S_thetas = c(0.1, 0.4),
  newsletter_alphas = c(0.5, 3),
  newsletter_gammas = c(0.3, 1),
  newsletter_thetas = c(0.1, 0.4)

# Example hyperparameters ranges for Weibull CDF adstock
# facebook_S_alphas = c(0.5, 3)
# facebook_S_gammas = c(0.3, 1)
# facebook_S_shapes = c(0.0001, 2)
# facebook_S_scales = c(0, 0.1)

# Example hyperparameters ranges for Weibull PDF adstock
# facebook_S_alphas = c(0.5, 3
# facebook_S_gammas = c(0.3, 1)
# facebook_S_shapes = c(0.0001, 10)
# facebook_S_scales = c(0, 0.1)

#### 2a-3: Third, add hyperparameters into robyn_inputs()

InputCollect <- robyn_inputs(InputCollect = InputCollect, hyperparameters = hyperparameters)

#### 2a-4: Fourth (optional), model calibration / add experimental input

## Guide for calibration

# 1. Calibration channels need to be paid_media_spends or organic_vars names.
# 2. We strongly recommend to use Weibull PDF adstock for more degree of freedom when
# calibrating Robyn.
# 3. We strongly recommend to use experimental and causal results that are considered
# ground truth to calibrate MMM. Usual experiment types are identity-based (e.g. Facebook
# conversion lift) or geo-based (e.g. Facebook GeoLift). Due to the nature of treatment
# and control groups in an experiment, the result is considered immediate effect. It's
# rather impossible to hold off historical carryover effect in an experiment. Therefore,
# only calibrates the immediate and the future carryover effect. When calibrating with
# causal experiments, use calibration_scope = "immediate".
# 4. It's controversial to use attribution/MTA contribution to calibrate MMM. Attribution
# is considered biased towards lower-funnel channels and strongly impacted by signal
# quality. When calibrating with MTA, use calibration_scope = "immediate".
# 5. Every MMM is different. It's highly contextual if two MMMs are comparable or not.
# In case of using other MMM result to calibrate Robyn, use calibration_scope = "total".
# 6. Currently, Robyn only accepts point-estimate as calibration input. For example, if
# 10k$ spend is tested against a hold-out for channel A, then input the incremental
# return as point-estimate as the example below.
# 7. The point-estimate has to always match the spend in the variable. For example, if
# channel A usually has $100K weekly spend and the experimental holdout is 70%, input
# the point-estimate for the $30K, not the $70K.
# 8. If an experiment contains more than one media variable, input "channe_A+channel_B"
# to indicate combination of channels, case sensitive.

# calibration_input <- data.frame(
#   # channel name must in paid_media_vars
#   channel = c("facebook_S",  "tv_S", "facebook_S+search_S", "newsletter"),
#   # liftStartDate must be within input data range
#   liftStartDate = as.Date(c("2018-05-01", "2018-04-03", "2018-07-01", "2017-12-01")),
#   # liftEndDate must be within input data range
#   liftEndDate = as.Date(c("2018-06-10", "2018-06-03", "2018-07-20", "2017-12-31")),
#   # Provided value must be tested on same campaign level in model and same metric as dep_var_type
#   liftAbs = c(400000, 300000, 700000, 200),
#   # Spend within experiment: should match within a 10% error your spend on date range for each channel from dt_input
#   spend = c(421000, 7100, 350000, 0),
#   # Confidence: if frequentist experiment, you may use 1 - pvalue
#   confidence = c(0.85, 0.8, 0.99, 0.95),
#   # KPI measured: must match your dep_var
#   metric = c("revenue", "revenue", "revenue", "revenue"),
#   # Either "immediate" or "total". For experimental inputs like Facebook Lift, "immediate" is recommended.
#   calibration_scope = c("immediate", "immediate", "immediate", "immediate")
# )
# InputCollect <- robyn_inputs(InputCollect = InputCollect, calibration_input = calibration_input)

#### Step 2b: For known model specification, setup in one single step

## Specify hyperparameters as in 2a-2 and optionally calibration as in 2a-4 and provide them directly in robyn_inputs()

# InputCollect <- robyn_inputs(
#   dt_input = dt_simulated_weekly
#   ,dt_holidays = dt_prophet_holidays
#   ,date_var = "DATE"
#   ,dep_var = "revenue"
#   ,dep_var_type = "revenue"
#   ,prophet_vars = c("trend", "season", "holiday")
#   ,prophet_country = "DE"
#   ,context_vars = c("competitor_sales_B", "events")
#   ,paid_media_spends = c("tv_S", "ooh_S", "print_S", "facebook_S", "search_S")
#   ,paid_media_vars = c("tv_S", "ooh_S",   "print_S", "facebook_I", "search_clicks_P")
#   ,organic_vars = c("newsletter")
#   ,factor_vars = c("events")
#   ,window_start = "2016-11-23"
#   ,window_end = "2018-08-22"
#   ,adstock = "geometric"
#   ,hyperparameters = hyperparameters # as in 2a-2 above
#   ,calibration_input = calibration_input # as in 2a-4 above
# )

#### Check spend exposure fit if available
if (length(InputCollect$exposure_vars) > 0) {

##### Manually save and import InputCollect as JSON file
# robyn_write(InputCollect, dir = "~/Desktop")
# InputCollect <- robyn_inputs(
#   dt_input = dt_simulated_weekly,
#   dt_holidays = dt_prophet_holidays,
#   json_file = "~/Desktop/RobynModel-inputs.json")

#### Step 3: Build initial model

## Run all trials and iterations. Use ?robyn_run to check parameter definition
OutputModels <- robyn_run(
  InputCollect = InputCollect, # feed in all model specification
  cores = NULL, # NULL defaults to max available - 1
  iterations = 2000, # 2000 recommended for the dummy dataset with no calibration
  trials = 5, # 5 recommended for the dummy dataset
  add_penalty_factor = FALSE, # Experimental feature. Use with caution.
  outputs = TRUE # outputs = FALSE disables direct model output - robyn_outputs()

## Check MOO (multi-objective optimization) convergence plots
# check convergence rules ?robyn_converge

## Calculate Pareto optimality, cluster and export results and plots. See ?robyn_outputs
OutputCollect <- robyn_outputs(
  InputCollect, OutputModels,
  pareto_fronts = "auto", # automatically pick how many pareto-fronts to fill min_candidates
  # min_candidates = 100, # top pareto models for clustering. Default to 100
  # calibration_constraint = 0.1, # range c(0.01, 0.1) & default at 0.1
  csv_out = "pareto", # "pareto", "all", or NULL (for none)
  clusters = TRUE, # Set to TRUE to cluster similar models by ROAS. See ?robyn_clusters
  plot_pareto = TRUE, # Set to FALSE to deactivate plotting and saving model one-pagers
  plot_folder = robyn_object, # path for plots export
  export = TRUE # this will create files locally

## 4 csv files are exported into the folder for further usage. Check schema here:
## https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Robyn/blob/main/demo/schema.R
# pareto_hyperparameters.csv, hyperparameters per Pareto output model
# pareto_aggregated.csv, aggregated decomposition per independent variable of all Pareto output
# pareto_media_transform_matrix.csv, all media transformation vectors
# pareto_alldecomp_matrix.csv, all decomposition vectors of independent variables

#### Step 4: Select and save the any model

## Compare all model one-pagers and select one that mostly reflects your business reality
select_model <- "1_141_3" # Pick one of the models from OutputCollect to proceed

#### Since 3.7.1: JSON export and import (faster and lighter than RDS files)
ExportedModel <- robyn_write(InputCollect, OutputCollect, select_model)

###### DEPRECATED (<3.7.1) (might work)
# ExportedModelOld <- robyn_save(
#   robyn_object = robyn_object, # model object location and name
#   select_model = select_model, # selected model ID
#   InputCollect = InputCollect,
#   OutputCollect = OutputCollect
# )
# print(ExportedModelOld)
# # plot(ExportedModelOld)

#### Step 5: Get budget allocation based on the selected model above

## Budget allocation result requires further validation. Please use this recommendation with caution.
## Don't interpret budget allocation result if selected model above doesn't meet business expectation.

# Check media summary for selected model

# Run ?robyn_allocator to check parameter definition
# Run the "max_historical_response" scenario: "What's the revenue lift potential with the
# same historical spend level and what is the spend mix?"
AllocatorCollect1 <- robyn_allocator(
  InputCollect = InputCollect,
  OutputCollect = OutputCollect,
  select_model = select_model,
  scenario = "max_historical_response",
  channel_constr_low = 0.7,
  channel_constr_up = c(1.2, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
  export = TRUE,
  date_min = "2016-11-21",
  date_max = "2018-08-20"
# plot(AllocatorCollect1)

# Run the "max_response_expected_spend" scenario: "What's the maximum response for a given
# total spend based on historical saturation and what is the spend mix?" "optmSpendShareUnit"
# is the optimum spend share.
AllocatorCollect2 <- robyn_allocator(
  InputCollect = InputCollect,
  OutputCollect = OutputCollect,
  select_model = select_model,
  scenario = "max_response_expected_spend",
  channel_constr_low = c(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7),
  channel_constr_up = c(1.2, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
  expected_spend = 1000000, # Total spend to be simulated
  expected_spend_days = 7, # Duration of expected_spend in days
  export = TRUE
# plot(AllocatorCollect2)

## A csv is exported into the folder for further usage. Check schema here:
## https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Robyn/blob/main/demo/schema.R

## QA optimal response
# Pick any media variable: InputCollect$all_media
select_media <- "search_S"
# For paid_media_spends set metric_value as your optimal spend
metric_value <- AllocatorCollect1$dt_optimOut$optmSpendUnit[
  AllocatorCollect1$dt_optimOut$channels == select_media
]; metric_value
# # For paid_media_vars and organic_vars, manually pick a value
# metric_value <- 10000

if (TRUE) {
  optimal_response_allocator <- AllocatorCollect1$dt_optimOut$optmResponseUnit[
    AllocatorCollect1$dt_optimOut$channels == select_media
  optimal_response <- robyn_response(
    InputCollect = InputCollect,
    OutputCollect = OutputCollect,
    select_model = select_model,
    select_build = 0,
    media_metric = select_media,
    metric_value = metric_value
  if (length(optimal_response_allocator) > 0) {
    cat("QA if results from robyn_allocator and robyn_response agree: ")
    cat(round(optimal_response_allocator) == round(optimal_response$response), "( ")
    cat(optimal_response$response, "==", optimal_response_allocator, ")\n")

#### Step 6: Model refresh based on selected model and saved results "Alpha" [v3.7.1]

## Must run robyn_write() (manually or automatically) to export any model first, before refreshing.
## The robyn_refresh() function is suitable for updating within "reasonable periods".
## Two situations are considered better to rebuild model:
## 1. most data is new. If initial model has 100 weeks and 80 weeks new data is added in refresh,
## it might be better to rebuild the model. Rule of thumb: 50% of data or less can be new.
## 2. new variables are added.

# Provide JSON file with your InputCollect and ExportedModel specifications
# It can be any model, initial or a refresh model
json_file <- "~/Desktop/Robyn_202211211853_init/RobynModel-1_100_6.json"
RobynRefresh <- robyn_refresh(
  json_file = json_file,
  dt_input = dt_simulated_weekly,
  dt_holidays = dt_prophet_holidays,
  refresh_steps = 13,
  refresh_iters = 1000, # 1k is an estimation
  refresh_trials = 1

json_file_rf1 <- "~/Desktop/Robyn_202208231837_init/Robyn_202208231841_rf1/RobynModel-1_12_5.json"
RobynRefresh <- robyn_refresh(
  json_file = json_file_rf1,
  dt_input = dt_simulated_weekly,
  dt_holidays = dt_prophet_holidays,
  refresh_steps = 7,
  refresh_iters = 1000, # 1k is an estimation
  refresh_trials = 1

# InputCollect <- RobynRefresh$listRefresh1$InputCollect
# OutputCollect <- RobynRefresh$listRefresh1$OutputCollect
# select_model <- RobynRefresh$listRefresh1$OutputCollect$selectID

###### DEPRECATED (<3.7.1) (might work)
# # Run ?robyn_refresh to check parameter definition
# Robyn <- robyn_refresh(
#   robyn_object = robyn_object,
#   dt_input = dt_simulated_weekly,
#   dt_holidays = dt_prophet_holidays,
#   refresh_steps = 4,
#   refresh_mode = "manual",
#   refresh_iters = 1000, # 1k is estimation. Use refresh_mode = "manual" to try out.
#   refresh_trials = 1
# )

## Besides plots: there are 4 CSV outputs saved in the folder for further usage
# report_hyperparameters.csv, hyperparameters of all selected model for reporting
# report_aggregated.csv, aggregated decomposition per independent variable
# report_media_transform_matrix.csv, all media transformation vectors
# report_alldecomp_matrix.csv,all decomposition vectors of independent variables

#### Step 7: Get budget allocation recommendation based on selected refresh runs

# Run ?robyn_allocator to check parameter definition
AllocatorCollect <- robyn_allocator(
  InputCollect = InputCollect,
  OutputCollect = OutputCollect,
  select_model = select_model,
  scenario = "max_response_expected_spend",
  channel_constr_low = c(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7),
  channel_constr_up = c(1.2, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
  expected_spend = 2000000, # Total spend to be simulated
  expected_spend_days = 14 # Duration of expected_spend in days
# plot(AllocatorCollect)

#### Step 8: get marginal returns

## Example of how to get marginal ROI of next 1000$ from the 80k spend level for search channel

# Run ?robyn_response to check parameter definition

## -------------------------------- NOTE v3.6.0 CHANGE !!! ---------------------------------- ##
## The robyn_response() function can now output response for both spends and exposures (imps,
## GRP, newsletter sendings etc.) as well as plotting individual saturation curves. New
## argument names "media_metric" and "metric_value" instead of "paid_media_var" and "spend"
## are now used to accommodate this change. Also the returned output is a list now and
## contains also the plot.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##

# Get response for 80k from result saved in robyn_object
Spend1 <- 60000
Response1 <- robyn_response(
  InputCollect = InputCollect,
  OutputCollect = OutputCollect,
  select_model = select_model,
  media_metric = "search_S",
  metric_value = Spend1
Response1$response / Spend1 # ROI for search 80k

#### Or you can call a JSON file directly (a bit slower)
# Response1 <- robyn_response(
#   json_file = json_file,
#   dt_input = dt_simulated_weekly,
#   dt_holidays = dt_prophet_holidays,
#   media_metric = "search_S",
#   metric_value = Spend1
# )

# Get response for +10%
Spend2 <- Spend1 * 1.1
Response2 <- robyn_response(
  InputCollect = InputCollect,
  OutputCollect = OutputCollect,
  select_model = select_model,
  media_metric = "search_S",
  metric_value = Spend2
Response2$response / Spend2 # ROI for search 81k

# Marginal ROI of next 1000$ from 80k spend level for search
(Response2$response - Response1$response) / (Spend2 - Spend1)

## Example of getting paid media exposure response curves
imps <- 50000000
response_imps <- robyn_response(
  InputCollect = InputCollect,
  OutputCollect = OutputCollect,
  select_model = select_model,
  media_metric = "facebook_I",
  metric_value = imps
response_imps$response / imps * 1000

## Example of getting organic media exposure response curves
sendings <- 30000
response_sending <- robyn_response(
  InputCollect = InputCollect,
  OutputCollect = OutputCollect,
  select_model = select_model,
  media_metric = "newsletter",
  metric_value = sendings
response_sending$response / sendings * 1000

#### Optional: recreate old models and replicate results [v3.7.1]

# From an exported JSON file (which is created automatically when exporting a model)
# we can re-create a previously trained model and outputs. Note: we need to provide
# the main dataset and the holidays dataset, which are NOT stored in the JSON file.
# These JSON files will be automatically created in most cases.

############ WRITE ############
# Manually create JSON file with inputs data only
robyn_write(InputCollect, dir = "~/Desktop")

# Manually create JSON file with inputs and specific model results
robyn_write(InputCollect, OutputCollect, select_model)

############ READ ############
# Recreate `InputCollect` and `OutputCollect` objects
# Pick any exported model (initial or refreshed)
json_file <- "~/Desktop/Robyn_202208231837_init/RobynModel-1_100_6.json"

# Optional: Manually read and check data stored in file
json_data <- robyn_read(json_file)

# Re-create InputCollect
InputCollectX <- robyn_inputs(
  dt_input = dt_simulated_weekly,
  dt_holidays = dt_prophet_holidays,
  json_file = json_file)

# Re-create OutputCollect
OutputCollectX <- robyn_run(
  InputCollect = InputCollectX,
  json_file = json_file,
  export = FALSE)

# Or re-create both by simply using robyn_recreate()
RobynRecreated <- robyn_recreate(
  json_file = json_file,
  dt_input = dt_simulated_weekly,
  dt_holidays = dt_prophet_holidays,
  quiet = FALSE)
InputCollectX <- RobynRecreated$InputCollect
OutputCollectX <- RobynRecreated$OutputCollect

# Re-export model and check summary (will get exported in your current working directory)
myModel <- robyn_write(InputCollectX, OutputCollectX, dir = "~/Desktop")

# Re-create one-pager
myModelPlot <- robyn_onepagers(InputCollectX, OutputCollectX, export = FALSE)
# myModelPlot$`1_204_5`$patches$plots[[6]]

# Refresh any imported model
RobynRefresh <- robyn_refresh(
  json_file = json_file,
  dt_input = InputCollectX$dt_input,
  dt_holidays = InputCollectX$dt_holidays,
  refresh_steps = 6,
  refresh_mode = "manual",
  refresh_iters = 1000,
  refresh_trials = 1

# Recreate response curves
  InputCollect = InputCollectX,
  OutputCollect = OutputCollectX,
  media_metric = "newsletter",
  metric_value = 50000
laresbernardo commented 1 year ago

Hi @BigDataRPG I can't seem to replicate your error. Can you please update Robyn to latest dev version and retry? On the other hand, I've noticed you've set OutputModels <- robyn_run(..., outputs = TRUE) and then ran OutputCollect <- robyn_run(...) which is redundant. Other than that, I don't see any issues here.

BigDataRPG commented 1 year ago

Ok let's me trying update and run new code again. Thanks again @laresbernardo

BigDataRPG commented 1 year ago

@laresbernardo I still got the same error 🥲

>>> Running Pareto calculations for 10000 models on auto fronts...
Error in !hyper_fixed : invalid argument type
gufengzhou commented 1 year ago

Please do robyn_run(....., outputs = FALSE), then run robyn_outputs, you should be good.

As Bernardo said, you used outputs = TRUEin robyn_run, so actually you've already got all the exports etc, no need to use robyn_outputs. Just read the printing while model is running and you'll see a path where the whole exports are saved locally. You can also specify plot_folder = "your_path" in robyn_run to define where you want to save those exports, otherwise it'll save in default path

BigDataRPG commented 1 year ago

@gufengzhou Thanks so very much When changing , outputs = TRUE >> FALSE It's already worked

Also, Thanks you for your support @laresbernardo

laresbernardo commented 1 year ago

@gufengzhou should we disable the outputs argument for robyn_run()? Maybe @michellegrushkometa can help us with this implementation?