facebookexperimental / Robyn

Robyn is an experimental, AI/ML-powered and open sourced Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) package from Meta Marketing Science. Our mission is to democratise modeling knowledge, inspire the industry through innovation, reduce human bias in the modeling process & build a strong open source marketing science community.
MIT License
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CRAN package version outdated (still at 3.10.3 instead of 3.10.5) #976

Closed NumesSanguis closed 1 week ago

NumesSanguis commented 1 month ago

Project Robyn

Describe issue

Installed Robyn through install.packages("Robyn") in a Conda environment in JupyterLab, but noticed packageVersion("Robyn") shows "3.10.3".

Checking the CRAN website, the package version indeed seems to be outdated compared to version released on GitHub: https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/Robyn/index.html

Attempted solutions

1 - Remotes package


However, this gives the error:

> remotes::install_github("facebookexperimental/Robyn@v3.10.5")
Downloading GitHub repo facebookexperimental/Robyn@v3.10.5
Error: Failed to install 'Robyn' from GitHub:
  Does not appear to be an R package (no DESCRIPTION)

2 - ZIP file

  1. I downloaded v3.10.5 from the Release page
  2. After activating R in terminal, executed command: install.packages("data/Robyn-3.10.5.zip", repos = NULL, type = "source")

However, this gives the error:

> install.packages("data/Robyn-3.10.5.zip", repos = NULL, type = "source")
Error in rawToChar(block[seq_len(ns)]) : 
  embedded nul in string: 'PK\003\004\n\0\0\0\0\0\xf0\001KW\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\r\0\t\0Robyn-3.10.5/UT\005\0\001\x95K&ePK\003\004\n\0\0\0\b\0\xf0\001KW\xf3\xf1\001\x8fZ\0\0\0b\0\0\0\032\0\t\0Robyn-3.10.5/.dock'
Warning message:
In install.packages("data/Robyn-3.10.5.zip", repos = NULL, type = "source") :
  installation of package ‘data/Robyn-3.10.5.zip’ had non-zero exit status
gufengzhou commented 1 month ago

You should do remotes::install_github("facebookexperimental/Robyn/R@v3.10.5"), you missed the /R. FYI we're working on an update on CRAN that'll be 3.10.7 or later

laresbernardo commented 1 week ago

Expect a CRAN version updated by the end of this week @NumesSanguis