facebookincubator / SocketRocket

A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.
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Getting ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure" while deployment. #645

Open ArvindSeth opened 1 year ago

ArvindSeth commented 1 year ago

We are using SocketRocket.framework in our application and while deployment getting error as------ ERROR ITMS-90171: "Invalid Bundle Structure - The binary file 'appname.app/Frameworks/SocketRocket.framework/SocketRocket' is not permitted. Your app can’t contain standalone executables or libraries, other than a valid CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide at https://developer.apple.com/go/?id=bundle-structure for information on the iOS app bundle structure. -----

Here are some info regarding the SocketRocket.framework structure in our project-

SocketRocket.framework added in main.bundle with selected target membership and required. Added as embed & Sign under Target> general> frameworks, Library & embedded content. Added in Link binary with libraries & embedded frameworks only under Build Phase tab.

A point to mention that we have noticed: while updating Carthage, if building scheme for static SocketRocket.framework runs first, then we will not get any error, but when it build dynamic SocketRocket.framework first, we will get ERROR ITMS-90171.

is that the cause for this issue, if yes please give us a solution or help us to find main cause.

Also mentioning the build log below -

Failure - ERROR ITMS-90171 during deployment Task :carthageUpdate Please update to the latest Carthage version: 0.38.0. You currently are on 0.37.0 Fetching SocketRocket Checking out SocketRocket at "0.6.0" Building scheme "SocketRocket-iOS-Dynamic" in SocketRocket.xcodeproj Building scheme "SocketRocket-iOS" in SocketRocket.xcodeproj

Success - No Error during deployment Task :carthageUpdate Please update to the latest Carthage version: 0.38.0. You currently are on 0.37.0 Fetching SocketRocket Checking out SocketRocket at "0.6.0" Building scheme "SocketRocket-iOS" in SocketRocket.xcodeproj Building scheme "SocketRocket-iOS-Dynamic" in SocketRocket.xcodeproj

Please provide a solution to fix this issue.