facebookincubator / spectrum

A client-side image transcoding library.
MIT License
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Xamarin, AVIF status, and other questions #1810

Open jdluzen opened 3 years ago

jdluzen commented 3 years ago

Hello and thanks for this project, it looks like exactly what I need!

I'm currently using Xamarin, and would like to incorporate this library. I'm a bit rusty with gradle, but managed to get the following files built:

These are in the android/sample/build/intermediates/transforms/stripDebugSymbol/release/0/lib/<arch> folder, but there are a number of others in other directories. Are these the correct ones that I should use?

I won't need the jni lib, but I'm assuming that I'll need the rest. What is the relationship between libspectrum.so and libspectrumcpp.so? Are they independent or is the cpp a wrapper for the other? I'll likely have to use or make a C interop API. Am I able to build static libs easily?

I also need AVIF encoding, and see that there is a plugin written already, but it appears to be decoding only, is that correct? The plugin is also missing, how would I go about building it? I'd also like to update mozjpeg, so I'll be messing with that. Should be straightforward since the JPEG API didn't change.