facebookincubator / spectrum

A client-side image transcoding library.
MIT License
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iOS - Podfile Configuration Conflicts #1833

Open zfir opened 2 years ago

zfir commented 2 years ago


I have an issue when using use-frameworks!. I am using a cordova project and I have different pods configuration for different plugins. Some of the them uses use-frameworks! and some of them don't as you see below:

Example Configuration 1

      <source url="https://cdn.cocoapods.org/"/>
    <pods use-frameworks="true">
          <pod name="BugfenderSDK" spec="~> 1.9.2" />

Example Configuration 2

      <source url="https://cdn.cocoapods.org/"/>
        <pod name="AFNetworking" spec="~> 4.0.1" />

Spectrum Configutation on Plugin(https://github.com/spoonconsulting/cordova-plugin-spectrum)

        <source url="https://cdn.cocoapods.org/"/>
        <pod name="SpectrumKit/Base" spec="~> 1.2.0" />
        <pod name="SpectrumKit/Plugins/Jpeg" spec="~> 1.2.0" />
        <pod name="SpectrumKit/Plugins/Png" spec="~> 1.2.0" />

When XCode is compiling the project, it is compiling it as a single Podfile and there is conflicts between these configurations.

As per your documentation, we can see that Spectrum does not support use-frameworks!. We are using version 1.2.0 of this library. Can you please suggest how we can fix that?


Regards, Zafir

rahulvyas commented 2 years ago

Check this thread https://github.com/facebookincubator/spectrum/issues/190#issuecomment-538326847