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Add reduce_agg Presto aggregate function #6434

Closed mbasmanova closed 1 year ago

mbasmanova commented 1 year ago



The last item is weird. It seems to be an oversight in the Java implementation. In Velox, we are going to throw if inputFunction or combineFunction returns NULL.

reduce_agg in Presto doesn't support de-duplicating inputs, but there is no reason to have this limitation in Velox.

presto> select reduce_agg(distinct x, 0, (x, y) -> x + y, (x, y) -> x + y) from unnest(array[1, 1, 2, 2]) as t(x);
Query 20230908_161221_18217_e2mfm failed: line 1:8: DISTINCT can only be applied to comparable types (actual: com.facebook.presto.common.type.FunctionType@467f9735)

reduce_agg in Presto is defined as NOT order sensitive, e.g. it cannot be applied to sorted inputs. ORDER BY clause in reduce_agg(... ORDER BY ...) is ignored.

CC: @amitkdutta

mbasmanova commented 1 year ago

Common usage is to compute a product of all values:

reduce_agg(x, 1, (a, b) -> (a * b), (a, b) -> (a * b))

Some other examples of usage:

reduce_agg(x, array[], (a, b) -> slice(reverse(array_sort(array_distinct(concat(a, b)))), 1, 1000), (a, b) -> slice(reverse(array_sort(array_distinct(concat(a, b)))), 1, 1000))
mbasmanova commented 1 year ago

A clever way to compute a product of positive integers: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49763553/multiplication-aggregate-operator-in-presto-and-aws-athena

mbasmanova commented 1 year ago

PR #6482 adds reduce_agg function to Velox. Here are some comments about the implementation.

reduce_agg aggregate function doesn't lend itself well to vectorized execution as it is effectively a data-dependent loop. It is hard to avoid evaluating lambda expressions on small number of rows at a time. This particular implementation doesn't try very hard and simply evaluates lambda expressions one row at a time. A relatively straightforward improvement could be similar to the algorithm implemented in the 'reduce' scalar lambda function.

Consider dataset {1, 10, 2, 20, 3} where values 1, 2, 3 belong to group 1 and values 10, 20 belong to group 2.

This implementation goes like so:

 s0 - initialValue, s1 - state for group 1, s2 - state for group 2.

 s1 = s0
 s2 = s0
 s1 = f(s1, 1)
 s2 = f(s2, 10)
 s1 = f(s1, 2)
 s2 = f(s2, 20)
 s1 = f(s1, 3)

The inputFunction lambda expression is evaluated 5 times, once per row.

A more efficient approach would be to evaluate a set of rows that contain one row per group.

 s1 = s0
 s2 = s0

 [s1, s2] = f([s1, s2], [1, 10])
 [s1, s2] = f([s1, s2], [2, 20])
 s1 = f(s1, 3)

Here, inputFunction lambda expression is evaluated only 3 times (compared to 5 times above).

Global aggregation would go slightly differently.

Consider dataset {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,..100}.

This implementation goes like so:

 s0 - initialValue, s - state of the only group.

 s = s0
 s = f(s, 1)
 s = f(s, 2)
 s = f(s, 3)
 s = f(s, 4)
 s = f(s, 5)

The inputFunction lambda expression is evaluated 100 times, once per row.

A more efficient approach would be:

f - inputFunction, g - combineFunction

Convert all inputs into states:

[s1, s2, s3, s4, s5,..s100] = f([s0, s0, s0, s0, s0,..], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,..100])

Combine 100 states into 50:

[s1, s2,...s50] = g([s1, s3,...s99], [s2, s4,...s100])

Combine these 50 states into 25 states:

[s1, s2,...s25] = g([s1, s3,...s49], [s2, s4,...s50])

Continue in this manner until all states are combined. This requires only log2(100), ~7, expression evaluations.

Note that the more efficient algorithm for global aggregation doesn't support applying reduce_agg to sorted inputs.

Also, note that the more efficient algorithm for global aggregation can be used in a group-by as well in case there are few groups with lots of values in each.

A common use case for reduce_agg is to compute a product of input values.

reduce_agg(x, 1, (a, b) -> (a b), (a, b) -> (a b))

In this case, the best option is to identify this pattern and invoke specialized 'product(x)' aggregate function instead.

mbasmanova commented 1 year ago

PR #6536 optimized the implementation of reduce_agg.

mbasmanova commented 1 year ago

Blog post: https://velox-lib.io/blog/reduce-agg