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Customizing squashfuse mount options and Mac OS X #41

Open philchristensen opened 4 years ago

philchristensen commented 4 years ago

I've got a Python CLI tool that I'm trying to distribute internally at my company, and xar is really close to a perfect fit. There's just one niggling issue for me, and that's the way OSXFUSE (for obvious reasons) always mounts the squashfs with an icon on the Mac OS Desktop.

The biggest issue is the name, it ends up being called OSXFUSE Volume 0 (squashfuse_ll) or something similar, which is a little rough. It would be great if we could pass the -o volname= option and either set it to the name of the package, or make it customizable.

Even better would be if there's a way to hide the volume altogether, but that's probably asking a bit much. I haven't been able to figure out if it's actually possible to hide a OSXFUSE volume at all.

philchristensen commented 4 years ago

Bumping this, it would really be great to have some options for controlling the volume mount commands.

cooperlees commented 4 years ago

Hi @philchristensen and thanks for the request. It does sound handy, but with no immediate need for it internally our priority on adding this is low.

I haven't looked into the code to workout what would be needed, but we would happily accept a PR passing through that argument to wherever it needs to go.