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Move large pieces of AI generated new ways #18

Open jjiglesiasg opened 3 years ago

jjiglesiasg commented 3 years ago

Title: Capability to move large pieces of AI generated new ways

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# Description: The ability to move new generated ways in large pieces should be restored, RapiD several times created large portions of new ways, that several times are off-set few meters and needs to be cutted in pieces to move one by one, that do not make any sense.

This feature should be available for New generated ways, before they are saved and uploaded to the Database.

Please consider

tsmock commented 3 years ago

As an FYI, there is a JOSM MapWithAI plugin where you can do exactly that, if you need to do it right now (disclaimer: I'm the plugin author).

I'll talk about this with the RapiD devs. I can see this being useful (I've actually thought about implementing an autoadjust in the MapWithAI plugin, based off of the current offset for Maxar imagery -- I haven't done this since the Maxar offsets can change without notice, and there is no guarantee that the current state of Maxar imagery is the same state that was used to generate the geometry).

Thank you for the feature request, Taylor

jjiglesiasg commented 3 years ago

Thanks Taylor, this feature I am sure will be very handy. I am not user of JOSM but I have more than 4600 changesets in RapiD already, indeed few times I use ID, normally everything in RapiD, and some features to improve are welcome.

One thing of concern to me is the huge amount of nodes generated by AI near the junction of each segment of the "proposed" ways, I dont know if that could be corrected or is part of the Algorithm used...

tsmock commented 3 years ago

I'll have to talk with the RapiD devs about that as well. I know I fixed the issue in JOSM by running a simplify way command on the geometry, and then showing a dialog to the user if the removed nodes passed a threshold. If you have an example of this issue, that would be appreciated.

jjiglesiasg commented 3 years ago

Any news about this request?

jeffdefacto commented 3 years ago

Hi jjiglesiasg,

Unfortunately, we don't have any updates on this yet.