facebookresearch / AGRoL

Code release for "Avatars Grow Legs Generating Smooth Human Motion from Sparse Tracking Inputs with Diffusion Model", CVPR 2023
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model.npz Share #21

Open Ayawang opened 8 months ago

Ayawang commented 8 months ago

Today I encountered a problem where I couldn't find the model.npz file. Since this is my first time working on such a project, after some searching, I finally found the relevant resources. Now, I'd like to share them with everyone, hoping it might be helpful. Best wishes for everyone’s work!

Download link for the SMPL model: If you need to download the SMPL model files, you can do so through the following link: SMPL Official Download Page.

Download link for DMPLs model: For those who need DMPLs (Dynamics Models for People in Loose Clothing), you can download them via this link: MANO Official Download Page.

Both of these are needed and should be downloaded.

bring-nirachornkul commented 4 months ago

Yep, they failed to mention this in the README.md. I already push these links to their repo. waiting for them to accept it.