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Inquiry on Data Processing Comparison Between AMASS setting2 and FLAG #22

Open niuzehai opened 9 months ago

niuzehai commented 9 months ago

Dear author,

I am currently working on a project that involves the AMASS dataset, particularly its setting2, and I am looking to understand its data processing methods in comparison to FLAG. I have been exploring your project's documentation and codebase, but I find myself in need of further clarification.

My primary objectives are to understand:

Differences in Data Processing Methods: How does the data processing in AMASS setting2 differ from that in FLAG? Are there specific steps or procedures in AMASS setting2 that are not present or are significantly different in FLAG?

Code Implementation Details: Could you provide more insights or examples of how the data processing is implemented in code for AMASS setting2? This would be particularly helpful for understanding any unique aspects of its processing.

Best Practices and Recommendations: Based on your experience, are there any best practices or recommendations you would suggest when working with AMASS setting2 compared to FLAG, especially concerning data preprocessing, handling, and analysis?

I believe this information will not only assist me in my current project but also provide valuable insights for the community working with these datasets.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I appreciate the effort you have put into maintaining this project and look forward to your response.