facebookresearch / AR-Depth

Fast Depth Densification for Occlusion-Aware Augmented Reality
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run the sample data, has a keyerror #1

Closed flamehaze1115 closed 5 years ago

flamehaze1115 commented 5 years ago

I download the whole rep and the sample data. Following the instructions, I run all the cells. However I met a keyerror. PS: I found that the first line in "images.txt" is 000009.png, not 000000.png. As below:

Number of points: 62786 Number of frames: 691 Processing frame 000009.png

KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () 5 for frame in recon.ViewIds(): 6 print "Processing frame " + recon.views[frame].name ----> 7 kfs = recon.GetReferenceFrames(frame) 8 if (len(kfs) == 0): 9 continue in GetReferenceFrames(self, view_id) 24 25 def GetReferenceFrames(self, view_id): ---> 26 kf = self.GetNeighboringKeyframes(view_id) 27 dist = np.linalg.norm(self.views[kf[1]].Position() - self.views[kf[0]].Position()) / 2 28 pos = self.views[view_id].Position() in GetNeighboringKeyframes(self, view_id) 12 next_keyframe = -1 13 for idx in range(view_id - 1, 0, -1): ---> 14 if self.views[idx].IsKeyframe(): 15 previous_keyframe = idx 16 break KeyError: 7
holynski commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the note - I'll look into this now.

holynski commented 5 years ago

Please follow issue #2. I'm actively working on resolving this issue now.

flamehaze1115 commented 5 years ago

Please follow issue #2. I'm actively working on resolving this issue now.

Thank you very much.

holynski commented 5 years ago

Closing, refer to issue #2.