facebookresearch / AVID-CMA

Audio Visual Instance Discrimination with Cross-Modal Agreement
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How to download the DCASE dataset? #10

Closed fake-warrior8 closed 2 years ago

fake-warrior8 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'd like to known how to download the DCASE dataset. I found that there are many versions of DCASE dataset on their website DCASE, and I don't know to download each one version.

pedro-morgado commented 2 years ago

For fair comparison to prior work, we used the Acoustic Scenes 2013 version. https://dcase.community/challenge2013/task-acoustic-scene-classification

fake-warrior8 commented 2 years ago

For fair comparison to prior work, we used the Acoustic Scenes 2013 version. https://dcase.community/challenge2013/task-acoustic-scene-classification

That is it. Thanks!

fake-warrior8 commented 2 years ago

For fair comparison to prior work, we used the Acoustic Scenes 2013 version. https://dcase.community/challenge2013/task-acoustic-scene-classification

I downloaded the public(validation) dataset and the private(train/test) dataset, both with 100 records. The official website says that they will use a 5-fold stratified cross validation. Does this mean that the private dataset will be randomly divided into 80 records for training and another 20 records for testing?