facebookresearch / AnimatedDrawings

Code to accompany "A Method for Animating Children's Drawings of the Human Figure"
MIT License
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Failed to build Docker #259

Closed wills06 closed 3 months ago

wills06 commented 6 months ago

Running: docker build -t docker_torchserve .Command compilation failed~

I checked all the logs and found that:

This will install the latest Torch;

Run pip install torch

The compatible Torch version is 1.13, which cannot be compiled;

RUN mim install mmcv-full==1.7.0

This will update Torch to the latest version;

RUN pip install mmpose==0.29.0

I adjusted the above dependencies and successfully installed them.After running TorchServe, I found that the .py file in the drawn_humanoid_pose_estimator.mar model file did not work properly.

I hope to provide the latest Dockerfile file or update the drawn_humanoid_pose_estimator.mar model file, which will allow me to run TorchServe in Docker.

Looking forward to your reply.

ShahryarSaljoughi commented 6 months ago

Check out this issue: #240 , I guess you have solved the same issue in a different way that ended in problems in runtime.
Try out specifying the version of torch inside the Dockerfile instead:

RUN pip install torch==2.0.0

I have tested this approach and works just fine. Let me know what you get.

BTW, It would be helpful if you had given the exact problem with the .mar model file, and the (part of) logs of the docker build command you first faced.

hjessmith commented 3 months ago

merged PR #275, which addresses docker build issue