facebookresearch / AudioMAE

This repo hosts the code and models of "Masked Autoencoders that Listen".
504 stars 43 forks source link

RuntimeError: Default process group has not been initialized, please make sure to call init_process_group. #24

Open wuhongsheng opened 10 months ago

wuhongsheng commented 10 months ago

I try finetune on my data output error

python3 main_finetune_as.py \ --model $model \ --dataset $dataset \ --data_train $audioset_train_all_json \ --data_eval $audioset_eval_json \ --label_csv $audioset_label \ --finetune $ckpt \ --blr $blr \ --epochs 30 \ --warmup_epochs 2 \ --first_eval_ep 2 \ --dist_eval \ --batch_size 8 \ --roll_mag_aug True \ --nb_classes 9 \

wuhongsheng commented 10 months ago

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env main_finetune_as.py \