facebookresearch / AutoAvatar

AutoAvatar Autoregressive Neural Fields for Dynamic Avatar Modeling
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ImpDyn ?? #1

Closed antonagafonov closed 1 year ago

antonagafonov commented 1 year ago

Hi, Great paper. What is inside ImpDyn directory?

I am trying to implement your code.

In clone instructions, the link is missing instead https://github.com/facebookresearch/AutoAvatar/ link there is a https://github.com link.



zqbai-jeremy commented 1 year ago


Really sorry for the bugs in readme. "ImpDyn" should be "AutoAvatar", which is a bug caused by renaming and has been fixed. The link in clone instruction is also updated. Thank you very much for bringing that to my attention!

Best regards,

Ziqian Bai

antonagafonov commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks for the fix. Another one I think in the Data Preprocess step While running this :

cd AutoAvatar export PYTHONPATH=/AutoAvatar python exps/PosedDecKNN_dPoses_dHs/implicit_train_dfaust.py --ws_dir --configs_path configs/PosedDecKNN_dPoses_dHs/AutoRegr.yaml --configs_path_rollout configs/PosedDecKNN_dPoses_dHs/AutoRegr_Rollout2.yaml

Getting this:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "AutoAvatar/data/DFaust_generate.py", line 489, in DFaust_smplh_to_smpl( File "AutoAvatar/data/DFaust_generate.py", line 92, in DFaust_smplh_to_smpl os.mkdir(out_dir) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'AutoAvatar/DFaust/smpl_poses'

I don't have smpl_poses in DFaust directory.

Please help me to solve .

Thanks , Anton

zqbai-jeremy commented 1 year ago

Would you mind to share the current folder structure you have and the you are using? Thanks!

antonagafonov commented 1 year ago


Here attached dir tree:

├── AutoAvatar │   ├── assets │   ├── configs │   │   └── PosedDecKNN_dPoses_dHs │   ├── data │   ├── exps │   │   └── PosedDecKNN_dPoses_dHs │   ├── models │   │   ├── PosedDecKNN_dPoses_dHs │   │   └── std │   └── utils │   └── pycache ├── DFaust │   ├── DFaust_67 │   │   ├── 50002 │   │   ├── 50004 │   │   ├── 50007 │   │   ├── 50009 │   │   ├── 50020 │   │   ├── 50021 │   │   ├── 50022 │   │   ├── 50025 │   │   ├── 50026 │   │   └── 50027 │   └── scans │   └── 50002 │   ├── chicken_wings │   ├── hips │   ├── jiggle_on_toes │   ├── jumping_jacks │   ├── knees │   ├── light_hopping_loose │   ├── light_hopping_stiff │   ├── one_leg_jump │   ├── one_leg_loose │   ├── punching │   ├── running_on_spot │   ├── shake_arms │   ├── shake_hips │   └── shake_shoulders ├── external │   └── human_body_prior │   ├── src │   │   ├── human_body_prior │   │   │   ├── body_model │   │   │   │   ├── parts_segm │   │   │   │   │   └── smplh │   │   │   │   └── pycache │   │   │   ├── data │   │   │   ├── evaluations │   │   │   ├── models │   │   │   ├── pycache │   │   │   ├── tools │   │   │   │   └── pycache │   │   │   ├── train │   │   │   │   └── V02_05 │   │   │   └── visualizations │   │   └── human_body_prior.egg-info │   ├── support_data │   │   └── dowloads │   ├── tests │   │   └── samples │   └── tutorials └── SMPL └── 50002_pretrained ├── ckpt └── net_def

zqbai-jeremy commented 1 year ago

In the command: python data/DFaust_generate.py --ws_dir The should be the parent folder of DFaust, SMPL, AutoAvatar. Is that the command you used?

From the error msg: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'AutoAvatar/DFaust/smpl_poses' It looks like you are using AutoAvatar folder as the --ws_dir argument.

antonagafonov commented 1 year ago

Hi, DFaust, SMPL, AutoAvatar are in the same directory, but I don't have smpl_poses inside DFaust dir. Where I can get it from, I think I some how missed its installation.


zqbai-jeremy commented 1 year ago

smpl_poses folder inside DFaust should be generated by the code data/DFaust_generate.py. Would you mind to share the exact command you used and the name of the folder which includes DFaust, SMPL, AutoAvatar? The folder which includes DFaust, SMPL, AutoAvatar should be the input as the argument --ws_dir

antonagafonov commented 1 year ago


The command I'm running is :

python data/DFaust_generate.py --ws_dir GitHub

Parrent of DFaust, SMPL, AutoAvatar is GitHub.

Attached screenshot of the command:


zqbai-jeremy commented 1 year ago

Better use absolute path. Your current pwd is AutoAvatar. So need to either use absolute path or ../GitHub But relative path may cause unexpected issues, so personally I suggest to use absolute path.

antonagafonov commented 1 year ago


Used absolute path.

Passed to the next error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "data/DFaust_generate.py", line 489, in DFaust_smplh_to_smpl( File "data/DFaust_generate.py", line 100, in DFaust_smplh_to_smpl bm = BodyModel(bm_fname=bm_fname, num_betas=num_betas, num_dmpls=num_dmpls, dmpl_fname=dmpl_fname)#.cuda(gpu_id) File "/home/aa/Documents/GitHub/AutoAvatar/external/human_body_prior/src/human_body_prior/body_model/body_model.py", line 59, in init smpl_dict = np.load(bm_fname, encoding='latin1') File "/home/aa/miniconda3/envs/impdyn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/lib/npyio.py", line 390, in load fid = stack.enter_context(open(os_fspath(file), "rb")) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/aa/Documents/GitHub/SMPL/smplh/male/model.npz'

Looks like some SMPL models missing.


antonagafonov commented 1 year ago

Now I see that SMPL-H and DMPLS are missing from the directory.

zqbai-jeremy commented 1 year ago

Oh that's for setting up AMASS. Really sorry for missing that part. I'm trying to add additional instructions for it.

antonagafonov commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the support.

I succeeded to run this command after downloading the missing SMPL-H and DMPL.


antonagafonov commented 1 year ago

Hi, In trainbox.py is better to use: os.makedirs() instead: os.mkdir()

because logs is not exists the firs time.


antonagafonov commented 1 year ago


Also in implicit_eval_dfaust.py neet to change to os.makedirs() in line 81.

Because logs_test not exist.


zqbai-jeremy commented 1 year ago

Really sorry for my late reply and thanks for your comments! Just updated instructions of "AMASS setup" and os.makedirs().