facebookresearch / BinauralSDM

This repository contains a set of tools to render Binaural Room Impulse Responses (BRIR) using the Spatial Decomposition Method (SDM).The implementation features a series of improvements presented in Amengual et al. 2020, such as quantization of the direction of arrival (DOA) estimates to improve the spectral properties of the rendered BRIRs, or RTMod and RTMod+AP equalization for the late reverberation.The repository also contains the necessary files to 3D print an array holder of optimized topology for the estimation of DOA information.
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Feature: Loudspeaker rendering #6

Open trsonic opened 2 years ago

trsonic commented 2 years ago

Hello! :)

I've been thinking of utilizing the non-HRTF part of your workflow to render audio in a 50-ch Lebedev grid-based loudspeaker sphere. I believe the DOA quantization as well as other steps could be beneficial in this case.

Do you guys have any pointers how should I go about synthesizing the individual loudspeaker filters from SRIR_data ?

Ideally I would like to still apply the RT compensation and all-pass filter.

Thanks! T.

svamengualgari commented 2 years ago

Hi Tomasz!

There are a few things with your application:

I think you could also check the Ambisonics SDM work from the IEM Graz team, they have some open source repos as well that might work well for your application.