Hi, I am trying to run the data pre-processing on the scanNetv2.
However, when the script (preprocess.sh) running the function pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz) in compute_full_overlapping.py, there is a runtime error without any information. I found that the size of numpy array is (276497, 7)in the pcd file generated by point_cloud_extractor.py.
Hi, I am trying to run the data pre-processing on the scanNetv2. However, when the script (preprocess.sh) running the function pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(xyz) in compute_full_overlapping.py, there is a runtime error without any information. I found that the size of numpy array is (276497, 7)in the pcd file generated by point_cloud_extractor.py.
How should I fix the shape to (n, 3)?
Thank you.