Open GuopengLin opened 2 weeks ago
Oh interesting! I don't think the RSS protocol is used anywhere in CrypTen, but it lives in the codebase because @jeffreysijuntan used it to implement CryptGPU.
@jeffreysijuntan -- Can you have a look at this and also check what it means (if anything) for your CryptGPU paper?
The "mul", "matmul", "conv1d", "conv2d", "conv_transpose1d", "conv_transpose2d" protocols based on RSS in Crypten are not implemented correctly, which introduces the risk of information leakage.
The issue arises because the code misses a critical step—adding a zero-sum value to mask the result shares. This omission allows for potential leakage. Take mul as an example, if the shares of y are [1, 1, 1] and a multiplication of x y y is performed, a corrupted party (e.g., P0) can infer the value of x.
To explain, P0 initially knows x0, and during the first multiplication, P0 learns x1. Then, during subsequent multiplications, P2 sends z2 = 2 * x2 + x1 to P0. Consequently, P0 ends up with knowledge of x0, x1, and x2, allowing it to reconstruct x.
The correct implementation can refers the paper ABY3: A Mixed Protocol Framework for Machine Learning.
Below is the relevant code:
This vulnerability may result in the leakage of private data when using CrypTen's replicated secret sharing protocols.
Guopeng Lin (Fudan University)