facebookresearch / CutLER

Code release for "Cut and Learn for Unsupervised Object Detection and Instance Segmentation" and "VideoCutLER: Surprisingly Simple Unsupervised Video Instance Segmentation"
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Regarding running CutLER on Custom dataset #16

Closed hetavv closed 1 year ago

hetavv commented 1 year ago

Hi Folks, excellent read and amazing work! I've been trying to run the CutLER on my dataset and had some queries regarding running the experiment, but also some clarifications regarding the paper in general. Please let me know if this is not the appropriate medium for the question, I'll send a mail instead. Thanks!

Where do I need to run this code snippet from? Can I just create a jupyter notebook in the CutLER folder and run these snippets? And if I do, I need to provide the annotations file as well, but I'm trying to use the MaskCUT approach discussed to generate the psuedo ground truth, in that case how do I pass the .json file to register the dataset

And when we want to get the annotations using the following command python tools/get_self_training_ann.py \ --new-pred output/inference/coco_instances_results.json \ # load model predictions --prev-ann DETECTRON2_DATASETS/imagenet/annotations/imagenet_train_fixsize480_tau0.15_N3.json \ # path to the old annotation file. --save-path DETECTRON2_DATASETS/imagenet/annotations/cutler_imagenet1k_train_r1.json \ # path to save a new annotation file. --threshold 0.7

Here we are passing the coco_instances_results.json # load model predictions, but are we supposed to pass anything else instead if we are doing custom training on our dataset? If you could elaborate what that file is and will it be generated when we train it?

I have some more theoretical doubts as well, let me know If I add them this to this issue or create a separate issue as well? Thanks and sorry for an extended and (possibly) trivial queries regarding semantics.

frank-xwang commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply. I'll do my best to answer all of your questions, but please let me know if I miss anything.

  1. Registering a COCO format dataset: Since we're using Detectron2, I recommend checking out the "Use Custom Datasets" tutorial in the Detectron2 documentation for a detailed explanation on how to register custom datasets. You can also follow our approach to registering ImageNet by modifying the "builtin.py" and "builtin_meta.py" files in the "cutler/data/datasets" directory of our GitHub repository.
  2. Would it be easier to just use the naming convention of imagenet? Yes, it is. But I may recommend you register a new dataset.
  3. The command to run the merge_jsons.py. Yes, you should use the one that was generated after running the maskcut.py.
  4. Parameters. 1) The test-dataset should be the entire training set, as we'll be using the model's predictions on the training set as the pseudo-masks for the next stage of self-training. 2) The MODEL.WEIGHTS parameter should point to the checkpoint obtained from the unsupervised model learning stage. 3) OUTPUT_DIR specifies the path where the model predictions will be saved. These predictions will be used as the "ground-truth" for the next stage of self-training. 4) The default name for the model predictions is "coco_instances_results.json", but you can check the files saved under OUTPUT_DIR/inference/ and modify the name accordingly if needed.
  5. Repeat the self-training process multiple times. If you only care about the final results and not the intermediate ones, the easiest approach is to overwrite the results of the previous runs. This means that you should always use the same file name, such as r1.json or r2.json. However, if you want to keep track of the results from each run, you'll need to register the "new" dataset. The images will be the same as before, but the annotations will be updated for each run. For example, you could name the updated datasets "cutler_imagenet1k_train_r3.json" or "cutler_imagenet1k_train_r4.json".

Hope these answers help. Best, XuDong

frank-xwang commented 1 year ago

Closing it now. Please feel free to reopen it if you have further questions.